So, I have this script that opens a huge document of words, picks one, then sticks it in a map of type int[string]
However when it gets to that line... it crashes with an out of bounds error.
and I get
No clue why, so I ran the debugger and got this log.
Sorry it's so huge, but I think the important part is sitting at the very bottom.
However when it gets to that line... it crashes with an out of bounds error.
record gameData{
int[string] players;
boolean gameStarted;
int roundOver;
int intervals;
string host;
gameData game;
while(list=="") list=bigList[random(l)];
and I get
> call scripts\words.ash
Array index out of bounds (games.ash, line 138)
No clue why, so I ran the debugger and got this log.
Sorry it's so huge, but I think the important part is sitting at the very bottom.