Arena sidequest

So when I adventure to get the arena sidequest over with I go to the bathroom for the quy made of bees.

I was wondering if there was a simple way to have this script check for the arena quest (If I've gotten it/finished it)
Then adventure in the bathroom with attacks, then pick guy made of bees 5 times and use the antique hand mirror and the rock band flyers on him via funkslinging.

Any help would be appreciated greatly.
Thank you!
First of all change your custom combat to:
1: attack with weapon

[guy made of bees]
1: item rock band flyers, antique hand mirror

Then as far as a script:
This will check to see if you have access to the arena, if you do it will abort... Stop the script.
	if(contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "you roll up") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "You wander up to the amphitheater") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "hey, could you help me")){
		abort("Quest problems, not right, something wrong, this is not bad yet not good.");
This will loop until you do have access to the arena...
cli_execute("set choiceAdventure105 = 3");
	outfit("frat warrior fatigues");
	while(!contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "you roll up") && !contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "You wander up to the amphitheater") && !contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "hey, could you help me")){
		adventure(5, $location[haunted bathroom]);
Thank you again Hippymon!

I will defiantly use this in my next ascension.

Okay, used it on a multi.
Now, since that multi didn't have funkslinging, he got beaten up.
Is there a way to make it auto-heal then turn the quest in?

if(contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "you roll up") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "You wander up to the amphitheater") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "hey, could you help me")){
		abort("Quest problems, not right, something wrong, this is not bad yet not good.");
cli_execute("set choiceAdventure105 = 3");
	outfit("frat warrior fatigues");
	while(!contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "you roll up") && !contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "You wander up to the amphitheater") && !contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "hey, could you help me")){
		adventure(5, $location[haunted bathroom]);
Oh, I see,
	if(contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "you roll up") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "You wander up to the amphitheater") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "hey, could you help me")){
		abort("Quest problems, not right, something wrong, this is not bad yet not good.");
	cli_execute("set choiceAdventure105 = 3");
	outfit("frat warrior fatigues");
	while(!contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "you roll up") && !contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "You wander up to the amphitheater") && !contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "hey, could you help me")){
		adventure(5, $location[haunted bathroom]);
		if(contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "excellent work") || contains_text(visit_url("bigisland.php?place=concert"), "awesome job promoting")){