New Content - Implemented April Shower patch


Here is a patch to add April Shower support in and a "shower" CLI command which understands the following parameters:
hot, mp, warm, muscle, lukewarm, mysticality, cool, moxie, cold, ice

Also attached is a patch to add shower buttons in the Daily Deeds panel. I posted it separately because I simply added five buttons in a single row instead of breaking them down over several rows like the summon buttons. If having all five buttons on a single line turns out to be too much, the patch will need to be changed.

There is only one issue: when you visit
directly, and if you have already taken a shower, KoL sends you back to the VIP room with an empty "Results:" box instead of showing a message (like for the pool table).

For now, if you use the "shower" command after showering for the day, Mafia will print a "Huh? Unknown response." and won't set _aprilShower to true since there is no text to match.

I submitted a KoL bug report, and if they add a message that doesn't contain "already had a shower today", line 790 of will need to be changed to match the new text.

If they don't add a message, line 790 could be changed to match something like "<center><table><tr><td></td></tr></table></center>" instead of "already had a shower today".

Until then, you will need to visit "clan_viplounge.php?action=shower" or manually set _aprilShower to true for Mafia to know that you have taken a shower in vanilla KoL and grey out the Daily Deeds button.

Was it wrong of me to assume KoL will add an error message quickly?


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Double post to say that, according to the GD thread, taking a cold shower when you are overdrunk sometimes brings you back to your inebriety limit (or removes 1 drunkness)

Can anyone test this?
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Personally I suspect PEBKAC. The person who claimed that also claims he overdrank with a shot that gives 3 drunkeness. Not a reliable witness.
I submitted the shower command, so that Bale, etc. can use it now. I did not submit the Daily Deeds since I don't use them, and would rather that somebody who DOES use them weigh in on the five-buttons-in-a-row issue. Why not a drop down with five choices and a "Shower!" button next to it? But, if so, the same should be done for summons, and so on, and I'm not going to do it.

I'm leaving this open until all open issues are resolved, somehow. I wouldn't count on KoL adding a "you already showered" message any time soon.
Collapsing the summons buttons into a dropdown I believe has been mentioned in the past, and it would be welcome. Same for shower. At the size I run the GUI, 5-across buttons would definitely be off the reservation.

The 3-across buttons (chips, pool, friars) I'd prefer to keep the way they are.
I received an answer regarding the bug report I submitted:
Gemelli said:
You're right, this should probably be tweaked. I'll send it to CDM's enormous list of cosmetic bugs to consider on a rainy day :)



Here's a patch to patch my patch to also look for the Results box with no text:
> set _aprilShower = false

_aprilShower => false

> shower hot

Let's take a hot shower.
You already took a shower today.

> get _aprilShower


