Bug - Fixed appearance_rates() behaviour has changed since r25982

Malibu Stacey

Active member
In Cobb's Knob Treasury I'd banished the accountant & MBA using Snokebomb & Louder than bomb on consecutive turns. Having played no turns since (so both banishers have their full duration still applied)

In r25982
> ash get_property("lastAdventure").to_location().appearance_rates(false);

Returned: aggregate float [monster]
infinite meat bug => -1.0
none => -1.0
Knob Goblin Bean Counter => 100.0
Knob Goblin Embezzler => 0.0
Knob Goblin Accountant => -3.0
Knob Goblin MBA => -3.0
The ghost of Ebenoozer Screege => 0.0

In r25983
> ash get_property("lastAdventure").to_location().appearance_rates(false);

Returned: aggregate float [monster]
infinite meat bug => 0.0
none => -1.0
Knob Goblin Bean Counter => 100.0
Knob Goblin Embezzler => 0.0
Knob Goblin Accountant => 0.0
Knob Goblin MBA => 0.0
The ghost of Ebenoozer Screege => 0.0

TourGuide is using those -3.0 values to detect if a monster is banished as per https://wiki.kolmafia.us/index.php/Appearance_rates.
Also note the change to the value for the infinite meat bug.
PR that applied the change in question is https://github.com/kolmafia/kolmafia/pull/326