Seems related to
this feature request. In it, zarqon specifically recommends using "30 any plank" as a goal.
Although, that one is for the Relay Browser and this one seems to be for those who automate the bridge building. I've never done that. But, I shouldn't be surprised that people who automate their turns want to automate the bridge, too...
I notice that the "conditions add" command has a sort of pseudo item in it - "castle map items" is the equivalent of furry dur, giant needle, and awful poetry journal. We could probably delete that.
You can also add "outfit" as a condition.
I oppose adding pseudo items. I'd rather add a special "chasm bridge" condition - a la "pirate insults" or "autostop" - which would stop when the bridge is built. Note that you'd have to have an after battle script to autouse planks or connectors, if there's at least one of each, in order to advance the bridge progress. But, that's similar to requiring that your CCS attempt to gain pirate insults in order for the "pirate insult" condition to work.
Huh. I see Java code that I am completely unfamiliar with in ConditionsCommand to override a method for a single new-ly constructed object. Sneaky! Yes - that same technique could be used to look up chasmBridgeProgress to decide when the bridge is finished.