New Content - Implemented Anticheese in Breakfast


Since the Shore burned down, anticheese now comes from a small, unlabelled ruined house at the desert beach. It is available immediately after ascension (once one has access to the desert beach), and 5 days after it was last obtained. The URL to check for (and get, if available) anticheese is:


It would be nice if this were added to breakfast, as there's no reason not to grab it whenever it's available.
The problem and reason why it wasn't added yet is because it's not an every day thing, it's an every 5th day thing... or something like that. Which means 4 days of wasted server hits...

At least, my character got one on 9/30 and again on 10/5 and not on 10/1-10/4 despite checking every day and not ascending to reset the counter...
Yes and no.
Yes, it's only after several days, like the tree.
No, the Crimbo tree is parsed when the check happens to see what's in the VIP lounge, along with the hot tub. If the tree has a present, it takes it. But that only takes the extra server hit (actually taking the present) when it would be useful. This would be 4 extra server hits every 5 days, since only one of those 5 days is useful and we don't have anything to parse to let us know to avoid the hit. Unless you can get them to add it to the API or something else similar.
The main differences with the Crimbo Tree are that (a) you have visual feedback as to when you have a present, and (b) you have feedback as to when you will have a present (if you visit it manually).
It seems like grabbing anticheese only once every 5 days should be possible, though I'm not sure how to handle that at the moment. I didn't bother thinking about it before because I didn't know whether it was every 3 days, or 5, or 7, or some other number.