Bug - Fixed Allow goal_exists() to work with more (all?) possible goal types


Well-known member
According to the ASH Wiki, it looks like goal_exists() currently accepts

  • choiceadv
  • autostop
  • meat
  • health
  • factoid
  • mana
  • item

Which is quite useful. There are, however, some other goal types it is possible to have:

  • pirate insult
  • arena flyer ml
  • muscle
  • mysticality
  • moxie

I may have missed some (...?). Anyway, I (and my mood script) would appreciate it if goal_exists() could also work with words from the second list. Thank you.

EDIT: This just went from Feature Request to Bug. Just noticed that for these unsupported goal types, none of which are items, goal_exists("item") returns true. This is why my mood script has confusingly been trying to lower my combat rate when I'm trying to get pirate insults -- because it thinks I'm after an item that doesn't drop from a monster.
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You can parse through the goals manually, though it doesn't necessarily help the underlying bug, but...
> ash (get_goals())

Returned: aggregate string [1]
0 => +3 pirate insult
Added support for missing goal types "substats", "pirate insult", "Arena Flyer ML" and "Chasm Bridge Progress" in r16816.

Is that fixed?
Looks fixed to me! The "substats" type isn't as useful as it could be if split into mus/mys/mox, but it does give us a simple check to use to avoid wasting time parsing get_goals() unless we need to.

Yeah, I tried looking at breaking that out, and after staring at the code til my head hurt, decided I didn't care enough.