alias to burn MP?


I use CLI aliases a lot. In various instances I want to burn *all* my MP, and then set the Mana burning "Recast buffs until" back to a medium threshold.

Ideally, the steps would be something like this:

0) remember current mana-burning threshold
1) set mana-burning threshold to 0
2) burn extra MP
3) set mana-burning threshold back to its value from step 0

Specific questions:
1) Is there a CLI "set" -type command and variable that will set the mana-burning threshold?
2) I know about the CLI command "mood" and "mood execute" - is there a similar "burn" command that will invoke the "burn extra MP" functionality?
3) I presume there is no way to query & remember a value during an alias, except for the 1 parameter that you can pass in. If that's true, I'll just manually pass in the "reset" value for step 3) when I invoke the alias.

Thanks for any info,
1: Info from: User Manual
set [settingname] = [settingvalue]
(set battleAction=lunging thrust-smack)
Changes a KoLmafia setting to the specified value. Modifying these settings incorrectly will cause KoLmafia to crash, so be sure of what you're doing before you attempt to use this command.

get [settingname]
(get autoSatisfyChecks)
Prints the specified setting to the screen. If you would like to know which settings are available, please open up one of the ~.kcs files. No documentation exists for these values at this time, but they are, for the most part, self-explanatory.

The setting name would be: manaBurningThreshold

2: "burn extra mp"

3: This should answer your question:,1097.0.html
Great, thank you! So for anyone who may be interested, here's the alias I made:

alias burnall echo Burning all MP, previous threshold =;get manaBurningThreshold;set manaBurningThreshold=0.0;mood default;burn extra mp;set manaBurningThreshold=%%

Example usage: "burnall 0.4"
will "burn extra MP" at a threshold of 0, and then reset the threshold to 40%.
