Feature - Implemented Add The Sea to the compact mode drop down adventure list


In the KoL forums, the Tristero asks that the sea be added to the compact mode drop down menu. See http://forums.kingdomofloathing.com/vb/showpost.php?p=3866985&postcount=20530 He has made that request before and there has never been a response. I'm a java novice and very inexperienced with finding my way around the KoLmafia code base, but it looks to me like adding
            "The Sea",
to the end of the
    public static final String[][] GOTO_MENU = new String[][]
declaration in KoLConstants.java should provide what he's asking for. If the issue is more complicated than that, I would appreciate an explaination of what else needs to be changed or added. If this will do the job, would someone with proper authority please add the modification.
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Staff member
Yes. However, people also frequently complain that, unlike KoL's own dropdown menus, we put in areas that you cannot get to (yet). I wonder why we have a hardcoded list of locations? What do we add that KoL itself doesn't add? Perhaps we should take KoL's list and augment it with additional locations, rather than replacing it entirely.


I've updated KoLmafia to only specifically make the additions it plans to make, rather than scrap and replace the menus altogether. Does this automatically provide The Sea as a location, or did KoL itself never have it?


Active member
The Sea shows up as soon as you leave the boot back to the old man, which most people don't do after their first time, but that is when it should turn up.

ETA: As with StDoodle I only get the KoL-given locations now. So, no manor or guild in the drop down which were nice to have there. That said, I won't be clicking on anything that gives me a blank page for now at least...
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Staff member
Revision 8989 adds it to the Go To menu - but only if KoL itself does not have it there already.