Feature - Implemented Add guild unlock tracking


Staff member
Add questGXX unlock quest tracking for unlocking your guild.

HTML for myst class quest log:

<b>Guild Quests:</b><blockquote><b>Guilded Youth</b><br> Gorgonzola wants you to exorcise a poltersandwich in the <a class=nounder target=mainpane href=town_right.php><b>Haunted Pantry</b></a>.<p></blockquote>
Heh, well, Myst has it done already! (questG07Myst - I've done a lot of Myst runs recently)

Will hopefully remember to do Moxie soon, as I'm level 12 in HC Oxy DB run, and will open it post prism. Planning a Seal Clubber Bad Moon run in the next few weeks, so will do that one then I hope.

If no one else beats me to it!