New Content - Implemented Abyssal Portals


Ah, A Stinking Abyssal Portal! I have a number of species that thrive in outdoor environments!

Adding new location: A Stinking Abyssal Portal - adventure.php?snarfblat=357

Unknown item found: foetid seal tear (6776, 373056705)
6776 foetid seal tear 373056705 teardrop.gif usable t 0
foetid seal tear Effect: "Abyssal Tears", Effect Duration: 20
1376 Abyssal Tears teardrop.gif 7064312e83978ab454e3bcfeb2e6c3d5 use 1 foetid seal tear
# Abyssal Tears: Reduce enemy defense by 20%
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12710 removed
1375	Tingling Feeling	tincup1.gif	91b2830c561b74bcbcca410423a21ad3	use 1 tin cup+1375	Tingling Feeling	tincup1.gif	91b2830c561b74bcbcca410423a21ad3	use 1 tin cup
from statuseffects.txt
Looking at the diff is a bit confusing. Since there was no blank line at the end of the file, adding a new blank line updates that line, so the diff shows the line being removed and added back in. I'm not sure why someone would look at that instead of this (linked by the RSS Bot) or the actual file, though.

Anyway, it's still in there like it should be.
Thread title changed so that I can add this here:

Day 2

Ah, A Freezing Abyssal Portal! I have a number of species that thrive in outdoor environments!

Adding new location: A Freezing Abyssal Portal - adventure.php?snarfblat=360

Unknown item found: cold seal sweat (6777, 127508971)
6777 cold seal sweat 127508971 teardrop.gif usable t 0
cold seal sweat Effect: "Abyssal Sweat", Effect Duration: 20
0 Abyssal Sweat 2d5d270c8cb8017c1d33b5a6327d7ffd use 1 cold seal sweat
# Abyssal Sweat

bulwark bull seal
atk: 50
def: 55
hp: 100
phylum: demon
element: none
init: never wins
Oh my. There's a second location also available today.

Ah, A Scorching Abyssal Portal! I have a number of species that thrive in outdoor environments!

Adding new location: A Scorching Abyssal Portal - adventure.php?snarfblat=358

Just scout seals there, like the first portal.
I noticed that you marked the foetid seal tear and cold seal sweat as c30. I accept the 30 - but are you sure about the conditional? Yesterday I yellow-rayed a scout seal and got a foetid seal tear and no crystalline seal eye, which is why I marked the latter as conditional but not the former.
There are two posts in G-D saying yellow rays don't work. Neither of them specified that they were the person that tried to yellow ray, or who tried it...
[123230] A Stinking Abyssal Portal
Encounter: scout seal
Round 0: Tebryn wins initiative!
Round 1: Tebryn uses the seal tooth!
Round 2: scout seal takes 1 damage.
Round 2: Tort glances at a teakettle with his red eye. The kettle begins to whistle.
You lose 3 hit points
Round 2: Tebryn uses the seal tooth!
Round 3: scout seal takes 1 damage.
Round 3: Tort looks at a passing frat boy with his blue eye. The frat boy pulls his popped collar up even higher to cover his ears.
Round 3: Tebryn uses the seal tooth!
Round 4: scout seal takes 1 damage.
Round 4: Tort glances at an ice-cold beer with his red eye, tragically transforming it to piping-hot beer.
You lose 3 hit points
Round 4: Tebryn uses the seal tooth!
Round 5: scout seal takes 1 damage.
Round 5: Tort's yellow eye gazes upon a passing hippy. There's a gentle *pop,* then just the lingering scent of patchouli.
You lose 4 hit points
Round 5: Tebryn casts POINT AT YOUR OPPONENT!
Round 6: Tort swings his eyestalk around and unleashes a massive ray of yellow energy, completely disintegrating your opponent.
You acquire an effect: Everything Looks Yellow (duration: 100 Adventures)
Round 6: Tebryn wins the fight!
You lose 2,195 hit points
Your familiar gains a pound: Tort, the 3 lb. He-Boulder
You acquire an item: foetid seal tear
You gain 1 Fortitude
You gain 8 Magicalness
You gain 2 Chutzpah
Getting an item when you use a yellow ray is only definitive if you run -100% item at the same time to prevent it from dropping normally.
A Terrifying Abyssal Portal is 359. In the plains. Regular scout seals.

A Yawning Abyssal Portal is 362. In the town. Official seals that drop boiling seal blood.
Unknown item found: boiling seal blood (6778, 719099669)
6778 boiling seal blood 719099669 blooddrop.gif usable t 0
boiling seal blood Effect: "Abyssal Blood", Effect Duration: 20
1378 Abyssal Blood blooddrop.gif df4154707c342dec14ca431a74e613e9 use 1 boiling seal blood
Abyssal Blood Weapon Damage Percent: +100, Hot Damage: +50, HP Regen Min: 40, HP Regen Max: 50

Edit2: No clue where it is, but...
An Unsettling Abyssal Portal is 361. More bulwark seals.
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Ah, A Terrifying Abyssal Portal! I have a number of species that thrive in outdoor environments!
Adding new location: A Terrifying Abyssal Portal - adventure.php?snarfblat=359
Contains: Scout Seal

Ah, An Unsettling Abyssal Portal! I have a number of species that thrive in outdoor environments!
Adding new location: An Unsettling Abyssal Portal - adventure.php?snarfblat=361
contains: bulwark bull seal

Ah, A Yawning Abyssal Portal! I have a number of species that thrive in outdoor environments!
Adding new location: A Yawning Abyssal Portal - adventure.php?snarfblat=362
contains: official seal

Unknown item found: boiling seal blood (6778, 719099669)
6778 boiling seal blood 719099669 blooddrop.gif usable t 0
boiling seal blood Effect: "Abyssal Blood", Effect Duration: 20
1378 Abyssal Blood blooddrop.gif df4154707c342dec14ca431a74e613e9 use 1 boiling seal blood
Abyssal Blood Weapon Damage Percent: +100, Hot Damage: +50, HP Regen Min: 40, HP Regen Max: 50

Unknown item found: abyssal battle plans (6782, 657302750)
6782 abyssal battle plans 657302750 plans.gif usable 0
# abyssal battle plans
Stats for Official Seal
atk: 110
def: 110
hp: 300
phylum: demon
element: none
initiative +70%

Sergeant Bone-Hurt the Doom Herald (The big boss has a different name for each player)
atk: 300
def: 300
hp: 1000
phylum: demon
element: none
init: never wins

Unknown item found: seal medal (6783, 884423426)
6783 seal medal 884423426 sealmedal.gif accessory 0
seal medal 0 none
# seal medal: 25% chance to gain an extra gallon of Fury when you gain a gallon of Fury.
seal medal Muscle: +5, Weapon Damage: +10, Maximum HP: +20
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