Feature - Implemented '_roboDrops' pref to track number of robortender booze/mixer drops in a day


New member
There's a matching PR here.

There's been a fair bit of discussion in the asscord about tracking how many drops you've gotten from your robortender to be able to go for more valuable ones when the drop rate is higher. This is my stab at creating a pref that tracks the drops for that purpose. Due to the need to listen for the familiar messages, it lives in FightRequest.java. I have it passing tests and have been running some version of this implementation on my mafia build for about a week and it seems to be working fine without breaking anything.

Seeing as this is my first mafia PR and my Java experience is minimal (that high school Java class in 2003 is really paying off here, I tell ya), I am happy to hear suggestions for improvement if there's a more elegant way to do this or if I've done something dumb.

*edit to note that the name of the pref was changed to '_roboDrops' for consistency with '_roboDrinks'. *
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