New Content - Implemented 8/2/12 - Reagnimated Gnome


Active member
New familiar: "Reagnimated Gnome" (162) @ frankengnome.gif

Increases Item Drops and does other things depending on his equipment.


Active member
And the hatchling info:
Unknown item found: Unagnimated Gnome (5767, 387871192)
5767 Unagnimated Gnome grow all 0
5767 387871192 frankenlarva.gif Unagnimated Gnome
Unagnimated Gnome Free Pull


Staff member
So, I added the larva and the familiar and the five familiar items. Is there anything else that needs to be done?

The gnomish housemaid's knee makes it act like a riftlet, right? I suppose we need a counter for the bonus adventures, like the riftlet's, and we need to code in the various messages that indicate a bonus adventure has been granted so we can increment that counter.

According to the Wiki:

<name> scrubs the mildew out of your grout.
<name> bundles your recycling for you.
<name> teaches you how to power-nap instead of sleeping all day.
<name> sharpens all your pencils and lines them up in a neat row.
<name> folds all your clean laundry.
<name> shows you how to shave a full minute off of your teeth brushing routine.
<name> organizes your sock drawer and alphabetizes your spice rack.
Last edited:


r11371 adds a short description of what each familiar item does in the gear changer dropdown and in the relay browser spoilers for the Cake adventure.


New member
Gnomish housemaid's kgnee adventures tracking?

Is it possible to track the extra adventures from the Gnomish housemaid's kgnee in the Daily Deeds, like for the V-mask?


r11494 adds the _gnomeAdv preference to track adventures gained. The check could be better though, since it just looks for "You gain 1 adventure". THis could happen with a Vmask too, for example.