Bug - Fixed 12484 - Dreadsylvania locations have improper parent information


Active member
> ash my_location()

Returned: The Slime Tube
nocombats => false
zone => Clan Basement
parent => Clan Basement
parentdesc => Clan Basement
environment => underground
bounty => none
combat_queue => Slime3; Slime3; Slime3; Mother Slime; Mother Slime
noncombat_queue => Engulfed!; Engulfed!; Showdown; Showdown; Showdown
kisses => 0

> ash set_location($location[burnbarrel])

Changing "burnbarrel" to "Burnbarrel Blvd." would get rid of this message ()
Returned: void

> ash my_location()

Returned: Burnbarrel Blvd.
nocombats => false
zone => Hobopolis
parent => Clan Basement
parentdesc => Clan Basement
environment => underground
bounty => none
combat_queue =>
noncombat_queue =>
kisses => 0

> ash set_location($location[dread woods])

Changing "dread woods" to "Dreadsylvanian Woods" would get rid of this message ()
Returned: void

> ash my_location()

Returned: Dreadsylvanian Woods
nocombats => false
zone => Dreadsylvania
parent => Dreadsylvania
parentdesc => Dreadsylvania
environment => outdoor
bounty => none
combat_queue => cold bugbear; cold bugbear; sleaze bugbear; sleaze bugbear; hot bugbear
noncombat_queue => The Tallest Tree in the Forest; Below the Roots; The Cabin in the Dreadsylvanian Woods; The Tallest Tree in the Forest; Below the Roots
kisses => 0
The parents for these should be "Clan Basement", right?
They were until I intentionally changed them to be the way they are now so that the 9 choice Dreadsylvania choice adventures would all be together on the GUI, rather than being mixed in with Hobopolis.

Is this a problem for you?
Really didn't notice that update. I had a CCS that avoids stasis and other waste-my-time things if it's in $location[].parent=="Clan Basement". Was wondering why I was suddenly using Candyblast against the ghosts in the Village.

So, .parent separates them in the choice adventure tab. Didn't realize that. If that the case, why aren't they separate by .zone instead? That would provide a much more refined selection of choices across the board.

I guess the best question to learn from would be: In ChoiceOptionsPanel.java, why do you use location.getParentZone() instead of location.getZone()?
So, .parent separates them in the choice adventure tab. Didn't realize that. If that the case, why aren't they separate by .zone instead? That would provide a much more refined selection of choices across the board.

I guess the best question to learn from would be: In ChoiceOptionsPanel.java, why do you use location.getParentZone() instead of location.getZone()?
Because holatuwol coded it that way. Apparently he wanted a coarser grouping of choices, as opposed to your "much more refined selection".

I think I agree with your sensibilities, in which case I could make the parent of the Dreadsylvania zone be Clan Basement again.

I'll make the change in my source tree and see how it looks to me.
It looks good. Turns out we had various other wacky zone parents to get around the same issue:

Manor[012] parent is now Manor, rather than Manor[012]
KOL High School parent is now Town, rather than KOL High School
Dreadsylvania parent is now Clan Basement

If we want to group multiple zones into one collection of choices, we still have the power to do that by setting the "zone" in ChoiceManager for the various choices to be the parent zone, rather than the zone itself.

Revision 12485