

when is the new version of kolmafia coming out? the old one doesnt support the new adventures in the PFA...
If the question is, "Is there a version of mafia that supports the new PFA choice adventure?", there is. The unofficial builds versions 5201 onward support the new choice adventure. Download the latest here: http://kolmafia.us/index.php/topic,1266.0.html

I have learned, after causing much grief to the makers of a program that I love dearly, that asking "when" questions about a product that is made by unpaid volunteers in free time they could be spending elsewhere, comes off sounding selfish and smacks of entitlement. I'm not saying you are that person at all, I suspect you just wanted to start a conversation about if there were any goals for release of the next official version and any ways you might be able to help the project reach that goal. We've all been spoiled by how fast and furious this project has moved in the past but it is the first few weeks of school for many people out there and we're all entitled to live our lives.

The next official version will be out when it is announced, or perhaps the week after. That is the best an unmanaged, volunteer project can do.
Yes there is.


Will take you to the paypal donations page

My recommendations is to create an account on Sourceforge first, then click the donate link. In the past the donations were not properly getting to our intended targets unless you logged in. Additionally it will log your sourceforge username so people can see who donated to the cause.

I know there was some additional information that Daychilde wrote up about this at one point, I guess that info is lost to history. If I could search the new Kingdom forums I suspect there is more info on this there as well. (Anyone know how to search the new forums there?)