Feature - Implemented [Patch] Track inflation of brainwave-controlled unicorn horn


This patch adds a property, "unicornHornInflation", for tracking the inflation of the brainwave-controlled unicorn horn. This value ranges from 0 to 100, and is incremented by winning combats. It resets upon ascension, and when a currently-unimplemented skill (Uni-Gore) is used. I have not included support for the skill, but I have added the ability to parse the inflation value from the item description and after-battle messages.
View attachment Unicorn Horn.patch
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Two comments. Unless I personally care about a patch I won't review it unless there is obvious interest or I am explicitly asked to do so. A bump from veracity is an expression of interest.

Second, I have had problems applying saklad5's patches. I'm not sure why but it may be the starting directory when the patch is created. I prefer to create and apply patches at the highest level.
Two comments. Unless I personally care about a patch I won't review it unless there is obvious interest or I am explicitly asked to do so. A bump from veracity is an expression of interest.
Well, thank you. I agree with the "is this personally interesting" criterion, but, we end up with lots of things slipping through because NOBODY is "personally interested". I think I spent a LOT of time on TCRS and (potentially) now on the Beach Comb, so, random other stuff is overwhelming, and I thank you for stepping up.

Second, I have had problems applying saklad5's patches. I'm not sure why but it may be the starting directory when the patch is created. I prefer to create and apply patches at the highest level.
Me too. I am at "/source/KoLmafia" - which is the "root of all KoLmafia files", but Saklad5 initiates them from "src". What about "lib"? What about "data"? We have other things we submit to the repository which are NOT under the "src" directory.

"patch" tells me the issue, I copy/paste the correct head, and it continues, but, it is extra work.