sorority house ghosts


New member
How do I configure a CCS to use ghost traps on sorority ghosts? The name keeps changing, and [sexy ghost] did not work for me. Thank you
I am currently drunk in game, so I cannot test this

boolean [element] weak_elements;

switch (monster_element())
case $element[cold]: weak_elements = $elements[spooky, hot]; break;
case $element[spooky]: weak_elements = $elements[hot, stench]; break;
case $element[hot]: weak_elements = $elements[stench, sleaze]; break;
case $element[stench]: weak_elements = $elements[sleaze, cold]; break;
case $element[sleaze]: weak_elements = $elements[cold, spooky]; break;

Ghosts are Weak to all forms of elemental, so you should be able to make something of that.
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The name of the monster in KoL's dungeon log is "sexy sorority ghost", so, that is the name of the monster in KoLmafia.
sure does, so don't use it generically I guess.

related question because I forgot how to do this:

[ sexy sorority ghost ]
item ghost trap
skill stuffed mortar shell

Once apon a time I remember structuring a ccs like this would work just fine. If I ran out of x items it would skip to the next line.
Doesn't work anymore, aborts combat. How do I get this to work without over complicating things?
Mine looks like this:
[ sexy sorority ghost ]
if hascombatitem 5308
    "use 5308"
skill entangling noodles
attack with weapon
Doesn't work anymore, aborts combat.
That's probably a Mafia bug that should be fixed. I've gotten that error too (the macro aborted), I'll try to investigate some more.

EDIT: I think the behavior was changed on purpose. Maybe it is better for Mafia to abort if you specified an item in a CCS and the item isn't present in your inventory, so that you can decide what to do yourself.

The workaround, as Winterbay posted, is to add a KoL Macro "hascombatitem" predicate yourself.
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thanks, works now.
Other than the short example on the wiki, is there a syntax guide for CCS scripts? This is not ash, is it Java or C?
That is the page I was referring to.
I don't know what language that is in the example in the center of the page or where that syntax came from.
I have been on this board for a few years now and have never seen anything written like this here.

[ default ]
sub monkey_stasis

while !match "climbs up and sits on your shoulder" && !pastround 20 && !hppercentbelow 20call stasis_itemendwhileendsub
call monkey_stasis
As stated in that page it is an abbreviation of "Basic Automated Loathing Language Scripts", which apparently is what CDM called it, at least if we should believe RoyalTonberry on the talk page:

For the actual history of the phrase, CDM coined it. He tried pushing "BALL" = Basic Automated Loathing Language, but it didn't go over well with people, and then he added the Scripts on the end, and apparently people loved it. It's pretty ridiculous, but it's what we've been calling the language. Fun jokes like "everyone loves CDM's BALLS" are fairly rampant. --RoyalTonberry 02:56, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
SmartStasis now throws ghost traps at sorority ghosts, in addition to always pickpocketing/Rave Stealing when available. It's another option, at least.
This is what I'm up against.
[3404] The Haunted Sorority House
Encounter: Mitzi Richington, the Sexy     Biochemist Ghost
Strategy: Z:\ccs\PantyRaidtheSororityHouse.ccs     [default]
Round 0: garjon wins initiative!
Running     ZLib version: r31 (current)
Running BatBrain     version: 1.11 (current)
Running SmartStasis     version: 3.7 (current)
Round 1: garjon casts SUMMON MAYFLY SWARM!
Round     2: You open the little container full of mayfly bait and swing it around.     A huge swarm of mayflies buzzes into the area.
Round 2: Shai Hulud     breaks a tiny bottle over your opponent's head, leaving her dazed.
Round     2: sexy sorority zombie drops 4 attack power.
Round 2: sexy sorority     zombie drops 4 defense.

Why does it say the ghosts are zombies???