Best Between Battle Script Ever -- formerly AutoMCD

Wait what? What for?
I mean, why the penguin? It's not like you are getting fish heads without robortender ...
Is it just the only black crayon in the network?
I might be wrong I was wearing out by the end of the post, but usually the penguin drink is the best to siphon and the black crayon one is a free fight.
I might be wrong I was wearing out by the end of the post, but usually the penguin drink is the best to siphon and the black crayon one is a free fight.

It is my impression that you need to fight the BC penguin with robortender out to get the siphon, and you need to fight it with the catburglar out to get a heist against it. One or the other.
I edited the first coupe of lines of dropfam() to look like this

familiar dropfam() {
   if ($locations[none, the slime tube, the deep machine tunnels] contains my_location()) return my_familiar();
   if (my_location().environment == "underwater" && have_effect($effect[Driving Waterproofly]) == 0) return my_familiar();

because I wanted familiar item farming while underwater
MercenaryMood is great but it is used alongside BBB, not instead of. Familiar swapping is still the job of BBB!
Bug report for ghost hunting:

Automation is stopping prematurely when trying to deal with the Sam McGee ghost encounter when it is reported because I think BBB tries to equip eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear outfit even though I have High (5) Cold Resistance which is more than sufficient for adventuring in that zone. This is more of an annoyance than anything as manual adventuring to clear the ghost doesn't take that long.

Relevant CLI log:
[2919] The Canadian Wildlife Preserve
Encounter: wild beaver
Round 0: shoptroll wins initiative!
Round 0: shoptroll casts KNEEBUTT!
Round 1: wild beaver takes 48 damage.
Round 1: wild beaver takes 85 damage.
Round 1: wild beaver drops 20 defense.
Round 1: You lose 12 hit points
Round 1: shoptroll casts KNEEBUTT!
Round 2: wild beaver takes 53 damage.
Round 2: wild beaver takes 87 damage.
Round 2: wild beaver drops 19 defense.
Round 2: Snatches holds out the Mayflower bouquet toward your opponent. It stops to smell the flowers instead of attacking you.
Round 2: shoptroll casts KNEEBUTT!
Round 3: wild beaver takes 80 damage.
Round 3: wild beaver takes 78 damage.
Round 3: wild beaver drops 18 defense.
Round 3: shoptroll wins the fight!
After Battle: Snatches holds the Mayflower bouquet out in front of you, and you stop to smell the flowers. It reminds you that the best things in life are free. Then you remember that you can keep them for the birds and bees, and start sniffing around for extra Meat.
After Battle: You gain 5 hit points
After Battle: You gain 5 Muscularity Points
You gain 346 Meat
After Battle: Snatches does a couple of karate moves, then swivels his hips and gyrates his pelvis.
You acquire an item: beavermouth
After Battle: You gain 84 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 32 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 28 Chutzpah
You acquire an item: Punching Potion
Paranormal activity reported at The Icy Peak.

Internal checkpoint created.
You need 1 more eXtreme mittens to continue.
Unable to wear outfit eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear.

Internal checkpoint created.
You need 1 more eXtreme mittens to continue.
Unable to wear outfit eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear.

[2920] The Icy Peak
Encounter: The ghost of Sam McGee
Round 0: shoptroll wins initiative!
Round 1: shoptroll executes a macro!
Round 1: shoptroll casts SUMMON LOVE GNATS!
Round 2: shoptroll casts SHOOT GHOST!
Round 3: Snatches holds out the Mayflower bouquet toward your opponent. He stops to smell the flowers instead of attacking you.
Round 3: shoptroll casts SHOOT GHOST!
Round 4: shoptroll casts SHOOT GHOST!
Round 5: Snatches holds out the Mayflower bouquet toward your opponent. He stops to smell the flowers instead of attacking you.
Round 5: shoptroll casts TRAP GHOST!
Round 6: shoptroll wins the fight!
After Battle: You gain 5 hit points
After Battle: You gain 5 Muscularity Points
After Battle: Snatches does a couple of karate moves, then swivels his hips and gyrates his pelvis.
You acquire an item: psychokinetic energy blob (4)
You acquire an item: burnt snowpants
After Battle: Bustin' that ghost made you feel really good! (+20 Stats)
After Battle: You gain 42 Strongness
After Battle: You gain 11 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 17 Sarcasm
This combat did not cost a turn
@shoptroll: r26 will not bother with the outfit if you already have enough cold resistance.

This script is aware of increasing cool downs and adjusts accordingly. It is amusing to watch it jump back and forth between familiars in a pattern that can change daily due to market prices.

You may have a version of BBB that you enhanced yourself? BBB simply swaps familiars based on which has dropped the fewest items so far today, and doesn't consider prices. I suppose that might be a neat feature to add though.
@shoptroll: r26 will not bother with the outfit if you already have enough cold resistance.

You may have a version of BBB that you enhanced yourself? BBB simply swaps familiars based on which has dropped the fewest items so far today, and doesn't consider prices. I suppose that might be a neat feature to add though.
My mistake. I run four between battle scripts and got them confused. That functionality is in FamiliarDrops.
Wow, somehow I was oblivious to that script's existence. I see that Rinn has even explicitly granted permission for me to steal it and add it to BBB. I'll have to look into this.
So it is 'Dark Gyffte' then, not 'Darke Gyffte' as the KoL announcement had it? I note they also spelled it sans 'e' in the Feb 20 trivial announcement.

I'm finishing up a series of Standard runs before jumping into the new challenge path, so I'm presently unable to check myself. But quite excited to give it a shot, considering there's always been something vaguely vampiric about the character of Zarqon, with his love of bats and his capes and his spooky skills and his having a well-stocked library.
With r19818 BBB generated a debug log this morning:
[518] The Haunted Boiler Room
Encounter: monstrous boiler
Round 0: Arbos wins initiative!
Round 1: You lose 1 hit point
Round 1: Arbos executes a macro!
Round 1: Arbos casts SPIN JUMP!
Round 2: Arbos casts MULTI-BOUNCE!
Round 3: monstrous boiler takes 106 damage.
Round 3: monstrous boiler takes 106 damage.
Round 3: monstrous boiler takes 106 damage.
Round 3: monstrous boiler takes 106 damage.
Round 3: monstrous boiler takes 106 damage.
You acquire an item: coin (4)
Round 3: Arbos wins the fight!
You acquire an item: coin (7)
After Battle: You gain 5 hit points
After Battle: Some extra meat has appeared in your pouch when you weren't looking. Presumably Shadow Jolie's doing.
You gain 12 Meat.
After Battle: Gragarth does an interpretive dance that you guess is probably about the spirit of Crimbo? Or something?
After Battle: You gain 4 Fortitude
After Battle: You gain 9 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 2 Smarm
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Script execution aborted (Index 15 out of bounds for length 15): (BestBetweenBattle.ash, line 255)
Script execution aborted (null): (BestBetweenBattle.ash, line 255)
View attachment DEBUG_20200307.txt
Zarqon: When you get around to dealing with Plumber runs please "tell" BBB, when manipulating equipment, to not remove/replace the boots required for a plumber to enter combat.
Got it! I think this may require a more global solution to equipment changes. I'll be taking a look at this before long.
With r19953 I got another debug log with BBB

[582] The Hole in the Sky
Encounter: The Muff
Round 0: Arbos wins initiative!
Round 1: Arbos executes a macro!
Round 1: Arbos casts SPIN JUMP!
Round 2: Arbos casts JUMP ATTACK!
Round 3: Muff takes 270 damage.
Round 3: Arbos wins the fight!
You acquire an item: coin (7)
After Battle: You gain 5 hit points
After Battle: Underground Fantasy gives you some meat under the table.
You gain 11 Meat.
After Battle: Gragarth performs a dance that you think might be from The Nutcracker, but it's hard to tell without music or legs.
You acquire an item: star
You acquire an item: line
You acquire an item: line
You acquire an item: coin (5)
You acquire an item: blue pixel
After Battle: You gain 3 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 18 Roguishness
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Script execution aborted (null): (BestBetweenBattle.ash, line 79)
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Script execution aborted (null): (zlib.ash, line 703)

View attachment DEBUG_20200403.txt
Would you be willing to modify BBB to not maximize for surgeonosity in the Hidden Hospital if not in-run?

I ran into this when attempting a Guzzlr delivery in the Hidden Hospital: after every encounter BBB would do so and that removed the Guzzlr gear that made the delivery faster and more profitable.
Would you be willing to modify BBB to not maximize for surgeonosity in the Hidden Hospital if not in-run?

I ran into this when attempting a Guzzlr delivery in the Hidden Hospital: after every encounter BBB would do so and that removed the Guzzlr gear that made the delivery faster and more profitable.

I'll just add that there are a couple other places where BBB (or MM or DD) will do things that absolutely make sense in run but are problematic outside although I am hard pressed to cite a specific location at this moment. But Guzzlr and Bounty are likely sources. Fun House?

Also flexibility on the definition of in run would be helpful. My never ascended, prism unbroken character does find benefit from BBB etc.