Bug - Fixed Yes, You're a Rock Starr spoiler is inaccurate when inebriety = 0


Edit - Hmm, realise the issue now.

Any chance of changiing the third tip to fight if at 0 drunkenness ?
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"Yes, You're a Rock Starrr" spoiler is wrong if driunkenness is 0

Sing the Southern Hey Deze tune "Fiends in Low Places"

always has a (stats) spoiler.

This should be a fight (with a tetchy pirate) if drunkenness is 0.
In a similar vein, the darts adventure always has spoilers for muscle classes. Giving appropriate spoilers for moxie and mysticality would be nice.


Staff member
In a similar vein, the darts adventure always has spoilers for muscle classes. Giving appropriate spoilers for moxie and mysticality would be nice.

Aside from the fact that the darts adventure already has appropriate spoilers for all three classes, please do not add on completely unrelated bug reports by positing that they are "similar".

If you only see muscle spoilers, that would be a bug worthy of a different report, since the code is there to show class-specific spoilers - and it works, for everyone except you, apparently.
I'll check it when I hit aftercore on this run, assuming I remember to go non-muscle class. It has admittedly been awhile since I was down there as non-Boris, but pretty sure it has always given me a spoiler like "drunkenness and stats (varies with class)" for the third option. If it happens, I'll post a separate bug report.
As an AT I got these spoilers:
(enter combat (varies by class))

(3 drunk and stats (varies by class))

(shot of rotgut (varies by class)0 in inventory)

And as a sauceror I got
(3 drunk and stats (varies by class))

(shot of rotgut (varies by class)0 in inventory)

(shot of rotgut (varies by class)0 in inventory)
Which are accurate in both cases, though the "varies by class" threw me off for a second (as if mafia was telling me that might not ACTUALLY be the result i would get, depending on my class).

It's likely I've always been thrown for a loop by the "varies by class", thinking mafia was just spitting out one preferred set of spoilers and warning me it might be different, when really it was always giving me the correct spoilers (other than the one in this bug report).


Staff member
Yes. I don't recall why the "(varies by class)" was added, but I think it was so that people would not think they were being given the one true invariant set of spoilers and come here to write a bug report claiming that the spoilers needed to be different depending on your class.

That seems to have backfired. :)