
Banana Lord

Running this code:

if(my_level() < 3) abort("Level too low");
print("Opening the beach", "olive");		
if(item_amount($item[rusty screwdriver])==0) {
	if(in_muscle_sign()==true) visit_url("knoll.php?place=smith");
		else abort("Go find the untinker's screwdriver");
if(item_amount($item[clockwork maid]) != 1 || item_amount($item[dope wheels]) != 1) abort("Pull a maid and/or wheels");
	else {
	cli_execute("untinker clockwork maid");
	cli_execute("untinker meat maid body");
	int numpaste = 3 - item_amount($item[meat paste]);
	create(numpaste, $item[meat paste]);
	craft("combine", 1, $item[meat engine], $item[dope wheels]);
	if(my_primestat()==$stat[muscle]) visit_url("guild.php?place=paco");
	if(my_primestat()==$stat[mysticality]) visit_url("guild.php?place=paco");
	if(my_primestat()==$stat[moxie]) visit_url("guild.php?place=paco");
	cli_execute("untinker bitchin' meat car");
	craft("combine", 1, $item[frilly skirt], $item[meat engine]);
	craft("combine", 1, $item[meat maid body], $item[clockwork maid head]);
	use(1, $item[clockwork maid]);

Results in this:
Opening the beach
Untinkering clockwork maid...
untinker * clockwork maid
untinker * clockwork maid
Successfully untinkered clockwork maid
Verifying ingredients for Meat maid body (1)...
Searching for "frilly skirt"...
Purchasing frilly skirt (1 @ 80)...
You acquire an item: frilly skirt
You spent 80 Meat
Purchases complete.
Verifying ingredients for meat engine (1)...
Verifying ingredients for full meat tank (1)...
Searching for "empty meat tank"...
Purchasing empty meat tank (1 @ 20)...
You acquire an item: empty meat tank
You spent 20 Meat
Purchases complete.
Creating 1 meat stack...
You acquire an item: meat stack
You lose 100 Meat
Successfully created meat stack (1)
Creating full meat tank (1)...
You acquire an item: full meat tank
Successfully created full meat tank (1)
Verifying ingredients for cog and sprocket assembly (1)...
Searching for "cog"...
Purchasing cog (1 @ 20)...
You acquire an item: cog
You spent 20 Meat
Purchases complete.
Verifying ingredients for sprocket assembly (1)...
Searching for "sprocket"...
Purchasing sprocket (1 @ 20)...
You acquire an item: sprocket
You spent 20 Meat
Purchases complete.
Searching for "spring"...
Purchasing spring (1 @ 20)...
You acquire an item: spring
You spent 20 Meat
Purchases complete.
Creating sprocket assembly (1)...
You acquire an item: sprocket assembly
Successfully created sprocket assembly (1)
Creating cog and sprocket assembly (1)...
You acquire an item: cog and sprocket assembly
Successfully created cog and sprocket assembly (1)
Creating meat engine (1)...
You acquire an item: meat engine
Successfully created meat engine (1)
Creating Meat maid body (1)...
You acquire an item: Meat maid body
Successfully created Meat maid body (1)
Untinkering Meat maid body...
untinker 1 Meat maid body
untinker 1 Meat maid body
Successfully untinkered Meat maid body
Creating 3 meat paste...
You acquire meat paste (3)
You lose 30 Meat
Successfully created meat paste (3)
Verifying ingredients for meat engine (1)...
Verifying ingredients for full meat tank (1)...
Searching for "empty meat tank"...
Purchasing empty meat tank (1 @ 20)...
You acquire an item: empty meat tank
You spent 20 Meat
Purchases complete.
Creating 1 meat stack...
You acquire an item: meat stack
You lose 100 Meat
Successfully created meat stack (1)
Creating full meat tank (1)...
KoLmafia declares world peace.
You acquire an item: full meat tank

You can see I aborted part way through due to complete and utter confusion. I must be misunderstanding the way one or more of the commands I used works. Could someone shed any light on why the script tried to make a meat engine the long way... twice?

EDIT: I misunderstood how the untinker worked xD Still a little surprised at the way the script behaved though.
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Huh. Apparently when it untinkered the clockwork maid, it didn't add a meat maid body to your inventory. I cannot explain that. Then there's a similar problem when told to untinker the meat maid body.

Everything else follows naturally from the need to provide the meat maid body you expected and the meat engine you expected.

I wonder if there's something wrong with untinker?
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