Bug - Not A Bug Dusty Bottles automatically made a goal


I'm afraid I haven't tracked this as well as I should, but using r8627 (and I've checked, none of the revisions since seem to refer to this or anything that should have an affect):

While doing the wine cellar in the relay browser, at some point, one or more of the required dusty bottles is automatically added as a goal. The first time it happened, I assumed I had accidentally clicked on the "goals" checkbox on the adventure tab. But I paid slightly closer attention this run, and I'm fairly certain none of my actions should have resulted in the auto-adding of this goal.

Please note I had done no automation (in any way, aside from the "script" button during combat) at that point in either run. The goal was noticed as, later in the first run, I was automating some turns in my leveling zone. In the most recent run, I typed "goals check" immediately after pouring my dusty bottles, and saw that there was, indeed, a goal set.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to narrow it down further, due to the one-time-per-run nature of this circumstance.


I haven't checked the code, but in my experience Mafia adds the relevant dusty bottles as a goal when you first visit the summoning chamber, and removes them as you get them.

Whether the Goals checkbox is on or not won't change this: the dusty bottles you still need remain the default goal for the Wine Cellar.

What sounds strange is the fact that the goal doesn't change when you change location (although the fact that you were playing from the relay browser might explain that), and the fact that your goal isn't "none" after pouring the wine bottles.

In either case, this should only bother you if you are automating turns via the Adventure tab.


To clarify; I wasn't doing anything related to auto-adventuring at the time I was in the wine cellar. No use of "goals" on the cli, no checking, selecting, etc. of any of the relevant parts of the Adventure tab (some possible sub-tab use: moods, ccs, etc.; but not location, special actions, etc.), no typing "adventure x" on the cli.

I was under the impression that, in such a case, goals would not be added. If this is wrong, my apologies, but I feel it is still a bug for the goal to remain after the three bottles are poured and the chamber is opened.

Edit to add:

Both times, I didn't notice I had a goal set until I burned turns via automation in the Bathroom at a later point (I never seem to leave enough time before rollover).


Staff member
Adventuring in the Relay Browser affects the GUI: it will set the Adventure Location to where you adventured. Choosing a new Adventure Location will give you default goals for that location. However, the code to actually decrement goals and stop adventuring is only called for automated adventuring; finding stuff in the Relay Browser does not decrement goals. Nor does it tell you when your goals are fulfilled.
That is what you saw.

That said, I have noticed that the Relay Browser doesn't always set the Adventure Location. For example, if I am auto adventuring somewhere in aftercore and the fortune cookie counter stops me, if I go to the relay browser to, for example, get some pool training, when I go back to the GUI, it did not swap my adventure location and I can continue where I was.


I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude*, I just honestly don't follow. If simply adventuring in the relay browser causes goals to be set, why is there a checkbox next to the goals text field? Does this mean it's only possible to NOT have goals set by your adventure location when you're automating? If finding things in the Relay Browser doesn't decrement goals, why does adventuring in the Relay Browser set goals in the first place? I KNOW I must be missing or completely miscomprehending something, because that doesn't make sense to me.

* Really, truly. I promise. Just confused.


When the checkbox is on, autoadventuring will stop once the conditions in the goal box are satisfied. The checkbox is only used to change this behavior: it doesn't have to do with goals being added or removed.


I'm still confused, and though I really am not trying to be belligerent here, the current goal behavior with dusty bottles feels like a bug to me. At the very least, it would seem preferable to have your conditions checked when you pour the bottles at the altar, such that you don't end up with the last acquired bottles "stuck" as a goal if they aren't manually removed.


Staff member
Why does the current goal (or even the existence of the Goals box) matter while manually adventuring? I don't understand how anything could be gained from a change.


Active member
I think what he's describing is that it's setting the condition as active, which is counter to most locations... When you adventure manually in the dungeon of doom, it doesn't actually set the dead mimic as an active condition, though it's the default goal. If manual adventuring in the basement is making it an active goal without actually setting it as such or clearing it when the manual adventuring solves that goal, that seems to be unintended behaviour...


It's a two-part thing. Part 1 is that it's automatically made a goal when manually adventuring; that was explained as being the only sensible way to allow for dusty-labeling to be automatic. Weird, not ideal, but very understandable. Part 2 is that the goal gets "stuck," at least how I play. I would expect that either acquiring the last dusty bottle, or going to the altar and pouring all three bottles to reveal the chamber, would clear the goal. That doesn't happen, so if, say, rollover is getting close and I want to hit my leveling zone, perhaps adding goals to gather familiar drops or for a certain stat gain, things can get a bit wonky since my goals will never be met.


Active member
So... the fix would be that it would need to check location and, if you're adventuring somewhere besides the basement, automatically clear those goals... or is there a different solution you had in mind? The problem with that solution, of course, is that it would break if your semirare or dancecard counter or something else automatically made you leave the basement for an adventure. Though since checking the altar doesn't take an adventure, it could just do a quick silent visit there first... but that runs the risk of extra server hits for people who run scattered lives.

I suppose the bottom line is, how would you optimally suggest fixing this?


If I'm understanding you correctly:
I think Mafia just sets the goal to whatever's first on its list of goals it knows about. Castle sets the goals to mapquest whatever. I just turn off the checkbox when I see it when I don't want it. Goals don't affect manual adventuring anyway.

When auto-adventuring for a different goal, are you saying that you can't change the dusty goal to that other goal?


No, I can understand how, if I started farming dusty bottles and then went elsewhere before I finished, things could get wonky. But why, after I've gathered the last bottle needed, is the goal still set? Why, after I pour the three bottles and reveal the summoning chamber, is the goal still set?


Active member
Is the goal set, or does it just display the goal? What does "conditions set" display when you run it in the gCLI?


Yes, it was set. I couldn't tell you what "conditions set" would report, as every time I notice this issue it's when I'm doing the aforementioned oh-shit-it's-almost-rollover auto-adventuring, so the first time I get "conditions not satisfied" I quickly type "conditions clear" and try again.


Think of it as a dynamical default goal. I distinctly remember the bottles being removed as I receive them (although I don't remember if the goal comes back once you pour them).

I find it handy - I go check the Mafia window to see what bottles I still need while adventuring in the Relay Browser.

I could see a case for not turning on autoSetConditions if it was off, though.


Active member
Yeah... if it's being set automatically through manual adventuring, it should get removed through manual adventuring as well.

For best results/non-bugness, I'd suggest that either having autoSetConditions turned to false disables the auto-setting, as well, or some other similar (new?) preference. As it saves a server hit (going back and verifying which bottle you need at the altar), if mafia doesn't save the currently needed wine type to a hidden preference that it can pull back at will, having it set the condition as default will save the server hit of checking what's needed next.

Alternatively, there could be two new preferences... questGoals and questZone or something similar, that count as goals when you're in that zone, but disappear once you leave. Only applicable if you're in the zone or area it's looking in, cleared as per regular goals or if something else sets them, so they won't just keep adding conditions forever.


An update, that may or may not be useful:
You acquire an item: dusty bottle of Merlot
You acquire an item: dusty     bottle of Port
You acquire an item: dusty bottle of Pinot Noir
You     gain 27 Strengthliness
You gain 9 Enchantedness
You gain 8 Cheek

Conditions     satisfied after 1 adventures.
Condition added: dusty bottle of Merlot

I auto-adventured to get the bottles, and then used them in the relay browser. I'm not sure when the "Condition added" part happened (before or after using them in the RB), but hopefully this will at least provide some evidence that my original post wasn't just me losing my mind. ;)