Relay browser issue with item descriptions


Staff member
Do you have a certain preference ("Check wiki for item descriptions (fails for unknowns)") checked?

Edit: It's under the "Browser" tab of the preferences.



What happened to my item descriptions in the relay browser?
I have noticed this for a couple months now and still haven't figured out what happened. I use Rinn's auto-update tool so I have no idea when this change occurred.
I do not have the above check box checked so it should bring up the KOL description when I click an item, right.
Mine doesn't do anything, the mouse over icon changes but upon clicking I do not get redirected. Doesn't work on the mini-browser, firefox, IE, or chrome.
If the check box is checked, it will bring up the wiki description as designed.
Any help will be appreciated.


Active member
I've been getting the normal descriptions in the last few days... Any chance you have a relay script that's breaking it or something similar?


Active member
Just tested it... unlike skills, clicking on the item name does nothing. However, clicking on the picture brings up the descriptions for me...
Knob Goblin lunchbox
This is a simple black lunchbox -- it's pretty boring compared to the ones you had as a kid, with Knight Rider, or maybe Strawberry Shortcake on it. Unless you're too young to have had one of those, in which case get off my lawn.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded​


Staff member
Clicking on the item name does nothing in a vanilla KoL browser, either; the link is on the image. That works for me in either a vanilla KoL browser or in the Relay Browser; if you do not have the "wiki link" checkbox checked, KoLmafia does nothing whatsoever to those links.

In fact, the way the wiki link option works is when you click on an item image and the browser requests desc_item.php, KoLmafia looks up the wiki URL instead; we do not modify KoL's page with the item link at all.


I understand,
Maybe it isn't working because I am using cached images?
I don't have access to the image server (it is blocked) so if I don't use cached images I don't see images.
It isn't an issue with my browser because clicking the images on the left panel (effect descriptions) work fine.


Active member
That's not it... I've got cached icons up too. Figured there was no sense in wasting bandwidth pulling the same pictures every time.


Staff member
Or you can use what I originally called the "Encyclopedia". Go to Help/Internal Database. You'll get a window with tabs for items, familiars, skills, and effects. You can search and select and click to get KoL's description page.


Active member
As well, if you use that a lot, it is available for adding as a normal tab to the interface. I actually did that a while ago when I was dealing with items that don't exist... like sushi! :)