Bug - Fixed Left-Hand Man, Disembodied Hand, Hatrack(?) - fam equip slot weirdness


It seems that whenever I have lefthand equipped with an offhand, changing to another familiar (chat command, mafia gear changer, or terrarium) causes Mafia to pause for several seconds as the fam equip slot jitters between the new fam's equip, lefthand's equip, and some kind of html nightmare: https://i.gyazo.com/3601312432faf0e2a37f470b8ceeeb4f.mp4

It seems that this also happens with Disembodied Hand and possibly also Hatrack. Changing from disembodied hand to lefthand caused Mafia to stop for several minutes. Is it some kind of slot type confusion thing?

Not sure if this is because of some script I have installed, but this has been a thing I've noticed since at least r20200 - r20312 (current).


Staff member
I believe what you were seeing was a result of the swing event thread updating the GUI as a result of a KoL request - which is not handled in the event thread - so the data model kept changing while Swing was repainting.

Revision 20314 does some major refactoring in the Gear Changer. The end result is that the combo boxes (drop downs) update their model in the Swing Event frame.

I might have done this at too fine a grain.
I'll try it for the method which updates all the GUI elements.
But, let's see how this refatoring works in general.


I was on 20333 today, and I was still getting this issue with both Disembodied and Lefthand, although the amount of time it took between pausing and being responsive was shorter than before.


Staff member
I need to understand more where the familiar item list is created. I'll investigate more.


New member
The Left-hand man is still one of my most-used familiars and I didn't even realize this was a bug. Just lived with the jittery equipment changes because it always seemed to sort itself out. But things are even better now! Thanks Veracity!!!