Feature - Implemented Gingerbread City ++


2 requests:

1 - There doesn't seem to be a property logging if you've knocked the column in Noon in the Civic Center, like there is for increasing the size of the alligators (_gingerBiggerAlligators); is it possible to get "_gingerDestroyedColumn"?
Encounter: Noon in the Civic Center
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 9 to 10
Took choice 1202/2: acquire 50 sprinkles and unlock judge fudge
You acquire sprinkles (50)

2 - Getting the non-combat adventure "Infrastructure Failure" SHOULD increment "_gingerbreadCityTurns".
This non-combat appears as your last adventure in Gingerbread City (normally turn 21, 31 if you made thicker walls, 5 turns earlier if you've advanced the clock). The thing is, you do NOT get this adventure if you do this "last adventure" in the Gingerbread Sewers; you get an extra fight instead!

If you adventure in any Gingerbread City zone past turn 21 (31), you simply get the message that the city has collapsed.


patch which fixes these things:

1 - Add a response text test before setting _gingerbreadCityToday to true.

2- Setting the Clock (choice 1215) no longer increments _gingerbreadCityTurns if you walked away without touching the clock. (it STILL does if you tamper with the clock, though, so it's effectively a +6 to the gingerturns)

3- Add the _gingerColumnDestroyed property.

Note: I tried to make it so that the "Infrastructure Failure" adventure increment _gingerbreadCityTurns, but I failed to find where that would go. It doesn't go in ChoiceManager because it's not a choice adventure, it doesn't go in QuestManager because that page seems to be about looking at when you go to location containers... I think it would've gone somewhere in RequestLogger? And I would've had to make a new file solely for that (GingerbreadCityManager or something in the likes)? Help would be appreciated on that one, if it's actually possible...

View attachment .patch


Staff member
I tried to make it so that the "Infrastructure Failure" adventure increment _gingerbreadCityTurns, but I failed to find where that would go. It doesn't go in ChoiceManager because it's not a choice adventure, it doesn't go in QuestManager because that page seems to be about looking at when you go to location containers... I think it would've gone somewhere in RequestLogger? And I would've had to make a new file solely for that (GingerbreadCityManager or something in the likes)? Help would be appreciated on that one, if it's actually possible...
QuestManager.handleGingerbreadCityChange is called with a responseText either for visiting the container document or for visiting one of the zones within. The only checks currently there are looking for things in the container document, but there is no reason you couldn't look for "Infrastructure Failure" there as well.


Staff member
Revision 20444 adapts your patch and also checks for Infrastructure Failure.

The Gingerbread City settings are not consistent: some are "gingerXXXXX" and some are _gingerbreadXXXXX". Too bad all the daily ones were not "_gingerbread", rather than having some of them requiring special handling to reset at rollover of valhalla. I made your new one "_gingerbreadColumnDestroyed".