Bug - Fixed Civic Planning Office incorrectly incrementing _gingerbreadCityTurns


Gingerbread city:

[13068] Gingerbread Civic Center
Preference lastEncounter changed from gingerbread lawyer to Noon in the Civic Center
Encounter: Noon in the Civic Center
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 9 to 10
Took choice 1202/3: enter Civic Planning Office (costs 1000 sprinkles)
Preference lastEncounter changed from Noon in the Civic Center to Civic Planning Office
Encounter: Civic Planning Office
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 10 to 11[/COLOR]
Took choice 1210/2: unlock Gingerbread Sewers
Preference gingerSewersUnlocked changed from false to true

[13574] Gingerbread Civic Center
Preference lastEncounter changed from gingerbread convict to Noon in the Civic Center
Encounter: Noon in the Civic Center
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 9 to 10
Took choice 1202/3: enter Civic Planning Office (costs 1000 sprinkles)
Preference lastEncounter changed from Noon in the Civic Center to Civic Planning Office
Encounter: Civic Planning Office
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 10 to 11[/COLOR]
Took choice 1210/1: unlock Gingerbread Upscale Retail District
Preference gingerRetailUnlocked changed from false to true

[13864] Gingerbread Civic Center
Preference lastEncounter changed from gingerbread welder robot to Noon in the Civic Center
Encounter: Noon in the Civic Center
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 9 to 10
Took choice 1202/3: enter Civic Planning Office (costs 1000 sprinkles)
Preference lastEncounter changed from Noon in the Civic Center to Civic Planning Office
Encounter: Civic Planning Office
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 10 to 11[/COLOR]
Took choice 1210/3: unlock 10 extra City adventures
Preference gingerExtraAdventures changed from false to true

(haven't unlocked the clock)

On all these examples, the 2nd NC appeared when _gingerbreadCityTurns was 21 instead of 20, showing that Civic Planning Office is incorrectly assumed to be an encounter distinct from Noon in the Civic Center