Bug - Fixed [minor] questL06Friar isn't changed to step1 when talking to the Friars as Ed

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Very minor as none of the quest really depends upon properties, only gathering the 3 required items and they're always the same 3 items anyway.

The text from talking to the Friars the first time is as follows:

In the midst of the grove, you encounter three men in brown robes and funny haircuts, who are conversing in hushed and worried tones. One of them notices you as you approach, and raises his arms in supplication. "Another adventurer!" he says. "Perhaps our prayers have been answered! …Again!"
"Uh, well, I… Okay, sure. I'm an adventurer," you say. "What's up?"

"Well, to make a long story short, we had an accident with a ritual that released infernal monsters into our grove. A passing adventurer helped us perform a ritual to get rid of them, but the Infernal Gate itself wasn't actually closed, so more of them have wandered out."

"I see. So you want my help fixing this?"

"Yes, please! We know where the second ritual went wrong now, so if we can just perform it again, we should be able to close the Gate for good. The three items we need should be in the Dark Heart, Dark Neck, and Dark Elbow of the Woods nearby."

"All right," you shrug. "I'll see what I can do."

The first item can probably be found in the Dark Neck of the Woods.

The second item was last seen in the Dark Heart of the Woods.

The third item was stolen near the Dark Elbow of the Woods.

Any time you subsequently talk to them before you have the 3 items they say the following:

One of the monks shakes his head at you. "You don't have all the ritual items yet. Please hurry, the infestation can only get worse."
The first item can probably be found in the Dark Neck of the Woods.

The second item was last seen in the Dark Heart of the Woods.

The third item was stolen near the Dark Elbow of the Woods.

Could this be caused by a similar spelling fix issue as when the warehouse quest tracking was broken recently?
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I don't see any code to set that quest to step1 except via the council or quest log.
I do see Ed council text for that quest:

questL06Friar	started	The adventurer's next quest was to aid the Deep Fat Friars, in the Distant Woods.	Who? Oh, those weird monks? Right. I'll get right on that.
That second string matches the Wiki:

"How goes your exploration of the Deep Fat Friars' copse, boss?" Amun asks.

"Who? Oh, those weird monks? Right. I'll get right on that. Listen, do you remember that port town that used to be on the coast south of us? Where they had that giant library?"

"Trebeksandria, boss? Storehouse of your Empire's collected knowledge and wisdom?"

"Yeah, that was it! Did you know they built a huge shopping mall there?"

"The Great Library burned down centuries ago, I'm afraid, boss. It was a terrible loss."

"Sure, but on the bright side, you would not believe the overdue fines I had racked up."
So, it's not a case of changing how Amun is spelled, like the other one, since we weren't trying to match on that.

Your issue is that we don't actually advance the quest when you talk to the friars.
I just hit L6 as Ed. I'll see how this works.

I think you want the quest to advance when you talk to the Friars. If so, I suppose, but it seems pointless. You don't actually need to talk to them; you can retrieve the items as usual without ever talking to them, although it won't give you quest nudges in the charpane unless you do talk to them.
I wanted to farm some Ka before fighting demons, so I went to the Spooky Forest to do that quest first.
MONSTERID detection told me this:
*** Monster 'the Baiowulf' has monsterId = 231 and image 'baiowulf.gif'
Unsurprisingly, it gave me 3 Ka.

Sweet! :)
Revision 20251 looks at the text from when you talk to the Friars or try to perform the ritual. It will progress the quest to step1, step2, or finished, as appropriate.