New Content - Implemented New puzzle items


Active member
New signal items posted here.

10245 arcanoferric housing 399901101 sig_housing.gif usable t 0
10246 intact medium-wave antenna 876023432 sig_antenna.gif none t 0
10247 18-picohertz resonator crystal 319047609 sig_crystal.gif none t 0
10248 blown-out speaker cone 889637333 sig_speaker.gif none t 0
10249 overloaded short-pulse transistor 527648988 sig_transistor.gif none t 0

There is also a "signal receiver" which is has a description number of 228047056.


Staff member
From the thread, if you wear that item, you'll get morse code-ish messages.
We should log those.

(Perhaps we should have logged signal fragments, but that seems to be all spaded now.)

I'll farm or buy the parts tomorrow and work on that.


Staff member
Lost added the items in 19721.
I added the concoction in 19722.

The parts are relatively cheap; a full set for less than a million meat. I'll probably just buy them and make a signal receiver.


Staff member
I am sure the prices will go down. However, in the interest of getting the logging in quickly, I spent 720,000 and made a signal receiver. I equipped it, realized that I couldn't ALSO equip Drunkula's wineglass, shrugged, and used a few pocket wishes.

Revision 19723 logs output from the signal receiver:

After Battle: Your signal receiver emits quiet static.
After Battle: The low static on your signal receiver is suddenly broken by a series of beeps and boops and buzzes: boopbeepbuzzboopbuzzhissbuzzbeepbeepbeep

Note that that message is preceded by an image - nopic.gif

I submitted a bug report suggesting that sig_receiver.gif would be a better choice. :)

In the mean time, we log the message for either of those images, if the message contains "signal receiver".


Staff member
I have a feeling that a lot fewer people are working on this than before. Looks like all the analysis happens via spreadsheets and scripts and that the Stage 3 messages only appear once? Which makes me think there's nothing we currently can/should provide in KoLmafia to aid spading.