Bug - Fixed daily deeds: Do not show god lobster free fights in pokefam


a pretty minor display bug, but daily deeds should not track remaining god lobster free fights during pokefam run, as they cannot actually be used in pokefam


Staff member
I don't remember much how this path works. If I recall, you don't have an "active familiar". Instead, you have an active "familiar team" consisting of three of your familiars.
I see that we reject "familiar.php" requests in PokeFam, so we never try to actually take one out of the terrarium.
The "familiar" command will refuse to do anything.
(familiar-related ASH functions WILL try to do stuff, but will let the FamiliarRequest fail the attempt.)
We don't show them in the green side pane or the Gear Changer.
The Maximizer will not considering switching familiars.
We DO maintain your list of available familiars by parsing famteam.php, rather than familiar.php.

Therefore, KoLCharacter.familiars contains all your familiars.

I wonder if making FamiliarData's canEquip() method simply return false if you are in Pokefam is the right solution? That will mark the familiar as unable to be taken from the terrarium, which will make the Daily Deed work as expected. It should not effect whether or not a particular familiar is in your list of familiars.

I'll try that.


thank you for the fix and sorry for the delayed response.
I will try to test this.
I gotta dig through autoscend code for a bunch more pokefam related bugs first that I want to try fixing before my next attempt at a pokefam run

In regards to how familiar team works, the team takes the place of normal familiars and posses none of the features of normal familiars. You do not get combat bonuses, you do not get special drops, you do not get out of combat actions like fighting god lobster or performing a cat burglar heist and so on.

In essence you do not have familiars at all, instead you have pokefams that happen to share a name with your familiars, and can only perform pokefam combat.
Quite a disappointing implementation to be honest.