Feature Track Camp Scout backpack drops


The Camp Scout backpack drops a series of items in an initially consistent order, which can be easily parsed from after-combat messages. After going through the list, it starts printing one of several additional messages (which can also be parsed) and dropping one of the previous items (with an important exception).

I would like to implement a setting, "_campScoutBackpackDrops", that tracks which stage of drops the backpack is in. It could be set based on those after-combat messages, starting at 0 (meaning the next drop is a bag of GORP) and ending at 12 (meaning the next drop is random).

Personally, I want to be able to make sure I get the CSA fire-starting kit each day, which only drops once per day and cannot be traded. I imagine many people would also be interested in that.

I intend to submit a patch that accomplishes this when I have more time, since it seems relatively straightforward.