CLI command to acquire turtle totem via chewing gum on a string?


Is there a CLI command to buy and use chewing gum on a string one at a time until you acquire a turtle totem? (for casting TT buffs on yourself in HC)
There is not. I use
void main( string thing )
	item wanted;
	if ( thing.contains_text( "acc" ) )
		#wanted = $item[stolen accordion];
		print_html( "you want a toy accordion" );
	else if ( thing.contains_text( "totem" ) )
		wanted = $item[turtle totem];
	else if ( thing.contains_text( "saucepan" ) )
		wanted = $item[saucepan];
		abort("not a valid item");
	while ( item_amount( wanted ) < 1 )
		use( 1, $item[chewing gum on a string] );
to get buff-casting items.
Doesn't "create turtle totem" work?

Or perhaps even "acquire turtle totem". The Hermit is a Coinmaster with a worthless item as the currency, I've seen (written) the code to use chewing gum to get worthless items.
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You can acquire hermit items, but turtle totem and saucepan are generally a side effect of getting currency for the hermit rather than being available from any coinmaster.
Doesn't "create turtle totem" work?

Or perhaps even "acquire turtle totem". The Hermit is a Coinmaster with a worthless item as the currency, I've seen (written) the code to use chewing gum to get worthless items.
unfortunately neither acquire, nor create work for getting a turtle totem.

There is not. I use
void main( string thing )
    item wanted;
    if ( thing.contains_text( "acc" ) )
        #wanted = $item[stolen accordion];
        print_html( "you want a toy accordion" );
    else if ( thing.contains_text( "totem" ) )
        wanted = $item[turtle totem];
    else if ( thing.contains_text( "saucepan" ) )
        wanted = $item[saucepan];
        abort("not a valid item");
    while ( item_amount( wanted ) < 1 )
        use( 1, $item[chewing gum on a string] );
to get buff-casting items.

thank you, i will use this.
We could make a creation method - SEWER - which consists of repeatedly using chewing gum on a string until you get the item.
There is not. I use

I ended up tweaking the above code a bit.
void main()
// using chewing gum on a string to fish for a turtle totem
while ( item_amount( $item[turtle totem] ) < 1 )
        use( 1, $item[chewing gum on a string] );
// using chewing gum on a string to fish for a saucepan
while ( item_amount( $item[saucepan] ) < 1 )
        use( 1, $item[chewing gum on a string] );

// accordion thieves are the only ones who can use stolen accordion, and they start out with one, so fishing for it is pointless.
// Instead, if any other class, should grab a toy accordion.
if (my_class() != $class[Accordion Thief])
    if ( item_amount( $item[toy accordion] ) < 1 )
        buy(1, $item[toy accordion]);
This requires no input, just run it with enough meat and it will get the 3 items needed to allow you to buff from all classes.
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The main issue there is that toy accordion is a waste of meat if you will soon be buying an antique accordion. And with meat being tight early on day 1, and a saucepan not really being needed for a while usually (compared to a turtle totem being useful on turn 0), that code wouldn't be very useful for me. But if it works for you (perhaps due to pulling something to autosell for early meat), then that's great.
Revision 18951 adds a creation method for sewer items.

acquire turtle totem - will go to the sewer to fish one out, if not already in inventory
acquire 10 worthless item - will ensure that you have 10 worthless items in inventory, going fishing if necessary

You can also use create to force retrieval, regardless of how many you have in inventory

create 3 turtle totem - will get you 3 more turtle totems

Note that "acquire" will use all valid (per preferences) item sources, but create always goes fishing.
Which is generally true, for acquire vs. create
And revision 18952 makes it possible to actually "create 3 worthless item", say; for some reason, HermitRequest specifically set that pseudo-item as NOCREATE - even after the actual creatable concoction had been installed.
The main issue there is that toy accordion is a waste of meat if you will soon be buying an antique accordion. And with meat being tight early on day 1, and a saucepan not really being needed for a while usually (compared to a turtle totem being useful on turn 0), that code wouldn't be very useful for me. But if it works for you (perhaps due to pulling something to autosell for early meat), then that's great.
Oh hey, sorry for the delayed response. Anyways, thank you.

I was mainly using it for HCCS rather than maintaining long term buffs, in HCCS I find the cheaper accordion works better for me. But I would definitely want the better one for normal runs as you said.
Revision 18951 adds a creation method for sewer items.

acquire turtle totem - will go to the sewer to fish one out, if not already in inventory
acquire 10 worthless item - will ensure that you have 10 worthless items in inventory, going fishing if necessary

You can also use create to force retrieval, regardless of how many you have in inventory

create 3 turtle totem - will get you 3 more turtle totems

Note that "acquire" will use all valid (per preferences) item sources, but create always goes fishing.
Which is generally true, for acquire vs. create
awesome. thank you.