ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

I got this today even after the batbrain update. D:

[321] Degrassi Knoll
Encounter: one-eyed Gnoll
Round 0: Xenocomplex wins initiative!
Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()':
Can't understand dmg (zlib.ash, line 176)
You're on your own, partner.
Just validating... you're using the latest daily version of mafia, you've got the svn versions of zlib (42134 bytes), BatBrain (109660 bytes), and SmartStasis (37663 bytes). You've got the right version of batfactors in your data folder (80742 bytes) updated within the last two days.

If any of these are not the case... you'll want to update them. If batfactors is the problem, remove it from the zversions data file. With the others, just svn dec <script name> to drop its version and then svn update <script name> to get it back to newest.
Upon checking your suggestions everything was in working order, except for batfactors. I removed it and it got updated to the version you specified (80742 bytes).

However I'm still receiving the same error message:

[516] The Fun House
Encounter: lemon-in-the-box
Round 0: Xenocomplex loses initiative!
Reclaimed 43704 KB of memory
Updating batfactors.txt to '2013-08-22T13:13:17-05:00'...
...batfactors.txt updated.
Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()':
Can't understand dmg (zlib.ash, line 176)
It's still the fault of whatever script is failing to properly convert dmg... are you using WHAM or some other custom combat script? If so, did you fail to update it when BatBrain changed recently? WHAM should be 73855 bytes, WHAM beta should be 73107 bytes, and anything else... that's on you. :)
This has been reported multiple times and is not a user error. It's caused by using a mosquito-type familiar with WHAM. I believe something is happening in WHAM in an order which BatBrain doesn't like, but am unable to debug further without installing WHAM, since I am unable to duplicate the error with my own script. Installing WHAM to check it out has been on my to-do list, but I'm afraid not at a very high priority level.
I don't see how it could. I mean I don't touch the fvars at all. The only thing that happens before calling act() is checking if unknown_ml is 0 and if so abort unless we have a Manuel and setting the location to the basement in case the monster is a basement monster.
Got this today, I don't think zLib is supposed to ask for updates, when it's already updated..?

Checking for updates (running [URL="http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=2072"]ZLib[/URL]      rev. 13)...
The string "r38" is not an integer; returning 38 (zlib.ash,      line 196)
[COLOR=red][B]ZLib Updated![/B][/COLOR]
ZLib      has been updated from rr38 to r13 since you last ran it.
[U][URL="http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=2072"]Click      here for discussion of what's new.[/URL][/U] ([U][URL="http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=2072"]last      post[/URL][/U]) ([U][URL="https://sf.net/p/zlib/code/log/"]SourceForge[/URL][/U])

[COLOR=olive]>      svn update[/COLOR]

Updating all SVN projects...
Validating repo...
zlib is at HEAD      (r13)
Requests complete.
Running Mafia r12600 and zlib r13 (or was that r38? :) )
It's just saying that it had already updated... it's not asking for an update. That sort of thing would generally happen if you're using zlib on an unfamiliar machine or folder.
Just started getting these:

Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()':
Can't understand monsterdefense (zlib.ash, line 176)

I did a SVN update for zlib and the version of mafia is 12824.

Just started getting these:

Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()':
Can't understand monsterdefense (zlib.ash, line 176)

I did a SVN update for zlib and the version of mafia is 12824.


We've seen this before although my memory is not as good as it could be. What familiar are you you using? Since it just started for you are you using a different weapon than usual? Are any of the text mangling effects in effect?
Familiars - 5 spleen familiars, slimeling, song bird, jump suited, etc...

Weapons are dreadful glove and club of 5 seasons in off-hand. Still gives same regardless of the weapons I equip. No text mangling in effect.
Does any of those familiars do damage based on what they have equipped? THinking if this is a problem in line with the "perfect" problem for plastic pumpkin bucket and BatBrain.
Does any of those familiars do damage based on what they have equipped? THinking if this is a problem in line with the "perfect" problem for plastic pumpkin bucket and BatBrain.

I don't believe so. It seems to produce that error regardless of the familiar I use.
Ok, so if it isn't the familiar then it's either a buff or an equipment of sort. What are you wearing when this shows up?
I'm having problems with

Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()':
Expected end, found perfect (zlib.ash, line 176)
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

Arises while trying to visit the castle for some meat farming with WHAM.ash. Nothing unusual in my setup I guess. svn update and latest mafia build made no difference.
You're probably using a plastic pumpkin bucket or another item that does elementally tuned damage. This is a known issue and Winterbay gives the best answer:

Yes I know and it's a BatBrain error. If you have the confidence to edit ash-scripts yourself you can open up BatBrain and move the line with "parse_factors()" up 31 lines until it is above the line with "fxngear()" which seems to solve the issue.

I do hope that BatBrain is updated soon. (Hint directed at zarqon.)
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