Bug - Not A Bug Mafia indicates 'item' is an ambiguous buff from deck of every card

When using the CLI to cheat cards from the deck of every card, Mafia does not recognize 'item' as a valid buff, as below

> cheat buff item

'item' is an ambiguous buff

However, the only buffs available are mus, mys, mox, item, and init (and debatably, wands). In order to get the item buff from the CLI you have to use enough of the name of the card, which occasionally doesn't immediately come to mind - whereas 'cheat buff item' is simple.

As an aside, I would also like it if 'cheat item' worked, though I can see people not wanting that in the event they accidentally hit enter before typing in something to indicate they're looking for a specific item from the deck.


Staff member
The list has both "items" and "item drop" (for the same effect), so if you change it to "cheat buff items" you'll get what you want.
I'm guessing it would be nontrivial to get it to recognize that both of those are the same thing, such that 'item' would actually work. Oh well. 'Cheat buff items' isn't really going to be helpful, since I use it infrequently enough that I've pretty much always gone 'cheat item' > 'cheat buff item' > think for a minute > 'cheat wheel'.

Thank you for at least letting me know why it isn't working.


It would be reasonably trivial I think. They'd just have to add a third word "item" that does the same thing.