Feature Make External Programs->Editor Command give path to svn working copy instead


Would it be possible to make it so that if a script was added to KoLmafia through svn, then the "External Programs->Editor Command" would provide the full path to the working copy in the svn folder instead of the path to the copy in the scripts folder?


Active member
Additional reason to not do this...
Users will wonder why their changes didn't take effect, even though they're definitely there in the edited script copy. See?! It's right there! Oh, what do you mean I have to type "svn sync" every time I edit the script? I never had to do that before...


I certainly hadn't though of that.

The main reason i was asking for this was because only editing the local script would mean that your updates would get lost when the script updates from svn.
That could also lead to confused users wondering why their script stopped working "correctly" today (the way they modified it to work) while it was working till yesterday. Or why all their modifications suddenly got lost.

I could suggest adding a setting to toggle between the 2 options (svn folder/script folder) or an additional modifier key (shift for script folder, ctrl for svn folder) but i now realise that i would just fail either way.

Either i'll (occasionally) forget to edit the working copy and lose my modifications when svn updates or forget to type "svn sync" and spent the next 10 mins wondering why my code is not working.

So you can just close this.


Active member
You could. It would be a misuse of that section by title as there is really no case where you should be running svn sync as a daily deed as opposed to syncing connected to editing your local copy of a script, but you could definitely do that. It's one of the joys of an extensible platform.


I just figured that if one were editing the svn files so often, they might want to create a button to remind them that they need to do the svn sync, and thus make the process less painful.