Bug - Not A Bug CLI "outfit" command reads stats incorrectly

r16731. I have plenty of moxie to equip all pieces of the eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear:

> ash my_buffedstat($stat[moxie])
Returned: 44

> ash my_basestat($stat[moxie])
Returned: 68

But the "outfit" command doesn't think so:

> outfit extreme
Putting on outfit: eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear
You don't have sufficient Moxie to equip the eXtreme scarf in this outfit. (35 Moxie required.)
You don't have sufficient Moxie to equip the snowboarder pants in this outfit. (35 Moxie required.)

It'll let me equip piece-by-piece, so evidently this is specific to "outfit"?:

> equip extreme mittens
Putting on eXtreme mittens...
Equipment changed.

> equip extreme scarf
putting on eXtreme scarf...
Equipment changed.

> equip snowboarder pants
Putting on snowboarder pants...
Equipment changed.

I have the Cowrruption effect active - maybe that's screwing something up?


Staff member
Well, we could switch to equipping piece by piece, but I don't think it's worth recognizing when that should happen and adding a bunch of complexity to work around the KoL bug.


Staff member
Yeah, this is tied to the KoL bug where changing outfits checks your limited stats, not your actual base stats; equipping items checks your actual base stats.