Bug - Not A Bug buy() won't buy (in hardcore/ronin?)

r16393. boolean buy(int qty ,item it ) and int buy(int qty ,item it ,int price ) aren't working for me. Presumably because I'm in hardcore/ronin? Mafia knows there are items available at my specified price, and it knows I have enough meat in storage, but it simply declines to purchase the item, even though I can do it manually in the Purchases tab.

> ash mall_price($item[milk of magnesium])

Searching for "milk of magnesium"...
Search complete.
Returned: 1100

> ash my_storage_meat()

Returned: 3261496

> ash buy(1, $item[milk of magnesium])

Returned: false

> ash buy(1, $item[milk of magnesium], 1100)

Returned: 0

[now buying manually via the Purchases tab]
Searching for "milk of magnesium"...
Search complete.
Purchasing milk of magnesium (1 @ 100)...
Stored in Hagnk's: milk of magnesium
Purchases complete.

Maybe this is designed behavior, but I can't figure out why, and it wasn't mentioned on the wiki.
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