What do the plus/minus options in Preferences > Automation do?

In General > Preferences > Automation, each script line is preceded by a toggle-able plus/minus sign. What does that setting do? I can't find anything else that it affects, and in fact, the selection doesn't persist after I close the Preferences window. (All pluses revert to minuses when I reopen Preferences.)


Staff member
Instead of putting a script name in those fields, you can type an entire mini-script just like you're typing in the CLI. The plus sign lets you see all of what you typed if you decide to put a novel in there instead of a short script name.


Active member
Hey, I'd hardly call
call ideas.ash; ashq if (my_primestat() == $stat[Moxie]) { cli_execute("getdrink"); cli_execute("getmix"); cli_execute("usestill"); } if(substring(today_to_string(), 4, 6) == "12") { cli_execute("advent"); } maximize("adventures, -tie", false); if (get_property("kingLiberated").to_boolean() && get_property("questS01OldGuy") == "unstarted") {visit_url("place.php?whichplace=sea_oldman&action=oldman_oldman"); visit_url("place.php?whichplace=sea_oldman&action=oldman_oldman&preaction=buytank&pwd"); }
a novel. More like a novella.

But yeah, changing my login and logout scripts to + means I can see all of the entries without scrolling up and down. In their default view, there's scrolling required.