Feature - Rejected allow Maximizer to list effects I can't afford


I've been burned a bunch of times by the maximizer not suggesting effects because I didn't have enough on-hand meat. In run I'm always cash-starved, like most people doing speed runs, but there's usually stuff I could be autoselling to scrounge up enough meat for, say, a Bee's Knees drink (the example from my current CS run that prompts this request) - if only I knew that I needed it.

I know there's a setting to include "effects with no direct source, skills you don't have, etc.", but that presents you with a giant wall of gray text to sort through. It would be nice if the maximizer could, by default, include things I just need more meat for.


Staff member
I like the idea but as soon as it gets some traction I'm going to ask for it to consider things that could be creatable, if only I had a little more meat or had been smart enough to check the creatable button and then Scope Creep will set in :)


Active member
I wouldn't want it to display things I can't get by default. Showing me items that I can't actually get seems like a bug rather than a feature. As as you point out, it's already something that you can get in a way... it just isn't the default and it shows you multiple reasons why you don't officially have it yet.


I wouldn't want it to display things I can't get by default. Showing me items that I can't actually get seems like a bug rather than a feature.

The maximizer will suggest a buff even if I don't have the MP capacity to actually cast it (e.g. the 250 MP spice ghost when I have 100 max MP); it will suggest casting buffs that I don't have enough MP to cast (e.g. the same spice ghost buff when my max MP is 300, but my actual MP is 50 with no restores available). It will suggest casting new AT songs when I am already running my full AT song complement. And it will fail if I tell it to execute those suggested commands.

I think those suggestions are all features, not bugs, and I think not-enough-meat belongs in the same category as not-enough-mp or not-enough-song-slots - the category of things that are available if you do something trivial, like shrug an unneeded song, or autosell some stuff. It's a different category from "obtain the Cold-blooded Warm Fuzzies effect by ascending as a Turtle Tamer and slaying your nemesis".


Active member
If you don't have mafia set to allow changing gear on casting buffs, I see suggesting a 250 mp spell when you have 100 mp as a bug, not a feature. Just like with other items, it's something that is guaranteed to fail in your current state.


Command line or Graphical interface ?

Looks from the code (not tried it) like the command line always uses Math.min( Preferences.getInteger( "autoBuyPriceLimit" ), KoLCharacter.getAvailableMeat() );

Graphical interface uses that if no MaxPrice is specified, but uses MaxPrice if one is specified, so if you want this in graphical interface, just specify how much meat you could expect to scrape together when doing the maximize.


The Max Price seems like a good answer - thanks, I had never used it. I tried closeting my meat in aftercore and it seemed to work properly with one of my chars, but not my other one, so I have to figure out what's going on with that, but otherwise things look good. Of course I want some way to set Max Price by default now, instead of every time I maximize something...


Active member
I believe that the five parameter ASH maximize allows you to set your max price for scripting...