Feature Prompt to equip unstable fulminate when appropriate

Currently, if you try to adventure in the Boiler Room without an unstable fulminate equipped, Mafia prompts:


You are about to adventure in the Haunted Boiler Room, but do not have Unstable Fulminate equipped. If you are sure you want to do this, click on the image to proceed.​

It'd be nice to have a second "click here to equip the fulminate" option, as is customary in other similar circumstances.


I might consider doing it if you have a one handed weapon equipped. Otherwise it'd have to select and equip a mainhand first. Is that sufficient ?


Active member
I'd say equip the fulminate and take them to the equip screen. It's either that or have maximizer do a "equip unstable fulminate,+offhand,+weapon,+-melee" based on their prime stat. Which, of course, causes all sorts of trouble if they're actually trying to ramp up ML, so taking them to the inventory would be the better bet.

I just realized, the cellar has got to SUCK for Way of the Surprising Fist.