Bug - Cannot Reproduce nextAdventure not set to $location[none] when using an item that leads to combat


New member
nextAdventure/my_location() aren't being set to $location[none] in a betweenBattleScript when using an item that leads to combat (i.e. putty, photocopy, etc.)

According to the thread at http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?14115-Proposal-maintain-lastAdventure-and-nextAdventure it's a feature that was implemented around last November.

It worked with version 16.2, but is broken in version 16.3 (and current builds).

Creating a betweenBattleScript with the following code and using a combat item will reproduce the problem.
print("nextAdventure: " + get_property("nextAdventure"));

It's not really a critical bug or anything, but it would be nice to be able to detect when an item is being used in a betwenBattleScript.


Staff member
> set betweenBattleScript=ashq print("nextAdventure: " + get_property("nextAdventure"));

betweenBattleScript => ashq print("nextAdventure: " + get_property("nextAdventure"))

> use drum machine

nextAdventure: None
Using 1 drum machine...

[187166] Drum Machine
Encounter: giant sandworm
I see no bug.