Feature adding stuff to either breakfast scripts or daily deeds or both


My loginScript is the thing that I like for Request Sandwich and Rainbow Gravitation.

void gravitate() {
	if(can_interact() && have_skill($skill[Rainbow Gravitation])) {
		int rainbowLeft = 3 - get_property("prismaticSummons").to_int();
		if(rainbowLeft > 0) {
			foreach wad in $items[twinkly wad, hot wad, cold wad, spooky wad, stench wad, sleaze wad]
				retrieve_item(rainbowLeft, wad);
			use_skill(rainbowLeft, $skill[rainbow gravitation]);

void sandwich() {
	if(ok_skill($skill[request sandwich])) {
		int tries=0;
		while(!get_property("_requestSandwichSucceeded").to_boolean() && tries < 10 && ok_skill($skill[request sandwich])) {
			use_skill(1, $skill[request sandwich]);
			tries += 1;

For Gene Tonics it would have to be a daily deed since there are so many choices and you probably want to fill up your syringe with different things. Although if I am overdrunk my logoutScript automatically makes all my remaining Gene Tonics for the day, because if I have any left at that point it means I forgot them and I don't want to lose them.
So although a login script would work for request sandwich and rainbow gravitation, I would prefer the ability to choose whether or not to do it in hardcore/ronin vs. aftercore like is available in the current breakfast script way of doing things.


So do that. The example I gave you for Rainbow Gravitation includes checking for hardcore/ronin vs aftercore.


Staff member
Request Sandwich is a bit complicated (repeated casting until it succeeds), gives a sandwich that you will never eat, and the sandwiches are dirt cheap in the mall. I have no interest in adding that to breakfast. Mafia tracks if it has succeeded, so you can add a custom Daily Deed button for it if you want.

Rainbow Gravitation uses up items and that just ends up being weird to automate. Mafia tracks that, so you can add a custom Daily Deed if you want.


Fortunately its not too hard to create your own custom daily deeds.

Command Deed
displayText: Make Tonic
preference: _dnaPotionsMade
command: camp dnapotion
maxUses: 3

Command Deed
displayText: Make Tonic
preference: _dnaHybrid
command: camp dnainject
maxUses: 1