Bug - Fixed Eating Sushi doesn't increase my fullness counter.


Topic - Eating sushi through the relay browser doesn't increase my fullness counter in mafia's main window, or the character pane.
I am using r12687 of mafia. I am also using the Character Info Toolbox (http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?7594-Character-Info-Toolbox), and Mr. Script.
There is no error, and when I hit the refresh button Mafia correctly updates the fullness. I am aware this may be an issue w/ the script and not Mafia, I wasn't sure where to post it because of that.


Staff member
Comment. OK, I never eat it through the Relay Browser. I can't imagine why in the world somebody would want to do that when you can do it Way More Conveniently through the Item Manager. But, since you do, for reasons unknown, I guess I will look at that tomorrow.


Staff member
I expect that displaying fullness has to be off to test this too, since having that enabled makes fullness tracking really easy.


Staff member
I have displaying fullness off. It works fine for me. I am now looking at the code for fullness tracking On and am wondering about it...


Active member
According to what was said in the OP, the fullness counter was on. Though whether that was the actual KoL counter or one built into Mr Script...

May I say that I really hate the bug reports created while people are using Greasemonkey scripts where they don't test if the bug still happens with the script off? :)


Staff member
OK. I cannot reproduce this.

- Turn ON display Fullness
- Go to "roll sushi" in the Relay Browser
- Make a bento box
- My fullness increased by 5

- Turn OFF display Fullness
- Go to "roll sushi" in the Relay Browser
- Make a bento box
- My fullness increased by 5

What sushi did you try to make?


I was attempting to make Maki and Nigaki. I had the KoL fullness counter on at the time. Sorry I can't test w/ the script off, I came here to report after finishing eating, and I ascended yesterday. I'll have my clannie attempt it, he doesn't have Mr. Script. Although I don't think Mr. Script interacts w/ the sushi page at all.

Slightly off topic: As for why I do it like that, I got in the habit before Mafia was good w/ sushi, and having the ingredients displayed lets me know what I need to farm and/or why I can't eat a certain thing (no rice/seaweed). I've never attempted to eat it through mafia, it never really crossed my mind I guess.

But this is starting to sound more like a ChIT issue.
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Staff member
Eating sushi through the relay browser doesn't increase my fullness counter in mafia's main window, or the character pane.
I continue to be unable to reproduce this; I took another character into the sea today and ate through the roll sushi page of KoL itself. It worked fine. The part that I bolded up above would indicate that your issue was not ChIT.

What does your session log say?


Active member
That would be a surprise. I thought mafia got the raw information from KoL and then passed it to the relay script. I'll chew my toenails if I'm wrong.


I grabbed what seemed the appropriate part of the session log. If you want the whole thing let me know.
The line before this was a mall search, and the line after it was the beginning of the next script I ran.


Roll and eat musclebound rabbit roll with anemone sauce from
You gain 17 Adventures
You gain 9 Muscleboundness
You gain 26 Mysteriousness
Mer-kin worktea clue: a turtle

add to closet: 1 Mer-kin worktea

add to closet: 3 Mer-kin worktea


cast 1 The Ode to Booze

drink 1 bottle of Pete's Sake
You gain 9 Adventures
You gain 3 Drunkenness

Roll and eat slick nigiri with anemone sauce from
You gain 10 Adventures
You gain 22 Chutzpah

Roll and eat glistening nigiri with anemone sauce from
You gain 9 Adventures
You gain 9 Mysteriousness

Roll and eat slick nigiri with anemone sauce from
You gain 9 Adventures
You gain 12 Roguishness

Roll and eat glistening nigiri with anemone sauce from
You gain 8 Adventures
You gain 16 Mysteriousness

Roll and eat slick nigiri with anemone sauce from
You gain 10 Adventures
You gain 19 Sarcasm

Roll and eat glistening maki with anemone sauce from


Staff member
This is hilarious. The URL that is submitted from the Relay Browser when you select "beefy nigiri" is:


6394 is anemone sauce. Obviously, "dippin" is only valid is whichsushi=7 - a bento box.

It never occurred to me that KoL would submit "dippin" other than 0 for a non-bento box, but, apparently they do.

I'll fix.


This is hilarious. It never occurred to me that KoL would submit "dippin" other than 0 for a non-bento box, but, apparently they do.

Hahaha. That's great. The weird things you find. Reminds me of my days of coding. ;-) Thanks Ver, you're awesome.