Tales of Dread override for use with rlbond86's Modular Choice Override


New member
This script (choice_767.ash) works with Modular Choice Override to show you which particular types of monsters you need to fight in Dreadsylvania in order to find the Tales that you don't have.

e.g. it replaces "Ch. 2: ???" with "Ch. 2: ??? (cold bugbear)"

Matching of tale number and monster type is based on Bale's forum post here

Note: Due to the way that KoL uses choice.php for the Tales, Modular Choice Override can't detect that you're seeing choice adventure #767 until you actually click on one of the tales and read it.
To work around this problem, you can add the following 2 lines to MCO's choice.ash script at line 188 (for version 1.1.0), just before the comment "// if THAT doesn't work, give up."
        if ((choiceNum == 0) && (page.contains_text("Unlock more Tales of Dread")))
                choiceNum = 767;

