The wiki, dropbox and symlinks


On the wiki, the instructions suggest using the below command to set up the symlink for using KoLmafia with Dropbox

ln -s /Library/Application\ Support/KoLmafia /path/to/dropbox/folder/KoLmafia

I believe this to be incorrect in 2 respects, but am happy to be corrected,

1: KoLmafia, on my system at least, uses the user library, not the system library, (~/Library/Application\ Support/KoLmafia not /Library/Application\ Support/KoLmafia)

2: I'm also pretty sure the link command parameters are the wrong way round:

The usage for link states:

usage: ln [-Ffhinsv] source_file [target_file]
       ln [-Ffhinsv] source_file ... target_dir
       link source_file target_file

Also, from a normal user account, you'll probably get permission denied.

On my macbook, on OS X 10.7 the actual command I successfully used was:

sudo ln -s ~/Dropbox/KoLmafia ~/Library/Application\ Support/KoLmafia
Since the source and target folders are both in a place you should be able to write to and read from, elevation to superuser isn't necessary. Other than that, your points are spot-on.


Please correct the wiki. I'm not sure how to remove the elevation to superuser part.