New Content Spoil Chibi choice results in relay browser


LoL! Yeah. What roippi said. I wouldn't want to convert that page into spoilers for mafia.

It would be helpful if the information was presented in reverse format. List it as choices and what they mean, instead of as problems and how to solve them.


So, something like this then?
         Post Increase   Decrease
#1  #1   N/A  fit (1)    N/A 
#1  #2   N/A  N/A        intel (1) 
#1  #3   #1   intel      social 
#1  #4   #2   align      intel 
#1  #5   #3   social     align 
#2  #1   N/A  intel (1)  N/A 
#2  #2   N/A  N/A        social (1) 
#2  #3   #1   social     fit 
#2  #4   #2   fit        align 
#2  #5   #3   align      social 
#3  #1   N/A  social (1) N/A 
#3  #2   N/A  N/A        align (1) 
#3  #3   #1   fit        intel 
#3  #4   #2   align      fit 
#3  #5   #3   intel      align 
#4  #1   N/A  align (1)  N/A 
#4  #2   N/A  N/A        fit (1) 
#4  #3   #1   intel      fit 
#4  #4   #2   fit        social 
#4  #5   #3   social     intel
First column is the "main" Chibi menu selection. #1-4 is the choice for each (#1 - Feed, #2 - Entertain, #3 - Interact, #4 - Explore), with #5 being getting ChibiCharged, #6 giving you messages about it's stats, and #7 putting the Chibibuddy away.
Second Column is the sub-menu selection (#1 #1 would be Feed, then the first choice). The text of the sub-menu buttons is mostly randomized.
Third column is after you've used your 5 Chibibuddy "adventure" uses for the day.
Fourth and Fifth columns show what stats get increased or decreased, and if there's an adventure use to get there; if there's a (1), it costs an adventure.
When you first use your Chibibuddy for the day, each of the Entertain/Explore/Feed/Interact sub-menus will have six options; top two take an adventure, next 3 take no adventures, final one goes back to the initial Chibi "Menu". After you use any 5 of those "adventure" choices (which consume an adventure), they disappear off all of the sub-menus, and you're left with 4 choices per sub-menu.

Possibly less confusing? Possibly more confusing? I dunno.
I didn't mean putting any sort of menu or table in, I figured just spoil each option like all choice adventures are spoiled. Have the results of each action right below the button.


I was referring to that page's inability to confer human-readable information.

For the record I do not have and will never have a Chibithing so someone else will have to implement.


Active member
I didn't mean putting any sort of menu or table in, I figured just spoil each option like all choice adventures are spoiled. Have the results of each action right below the button.

Actually, I am nt sure if this is even easy with current mafia framework, depending on how the noncombats change when you run out of the 5 adventure-burning attempts (and the corresponding buttons vanish). What I see in ChoiceManager looks like mafia decorates choices by number (first button gets text "...", second button gets text "..."), which isn't good here.
I might be completely wrong.

roippi said:
I was referring to that page's inability to confer human-readable information.

It's human-readable enough that I got the trophy (with only 1 death).


Actually, I am nt sure if this is even easy with current mafia framework, depending on how the noncombats change when you run out of the 5 adventure-burning attempts (and the corresponding buttons vanish). What I see in ChoiceManager looks like mafia decorates choices by number (first button gets text "...", second button gets text "..."), which isn't good here.
I might be completely wrong.

Look at ChoiceManager.dynamicChoiceOptions.


Active member
Look at ChoiceManager.dynamicChoiceOptions.

That looks to me a little bit like it was originally written in perl, and I don't see any spoiled choices there that would react to available choices, but it should work, yes.
I imagined something that would use a static (or datafile-filled) list of [choiceid, buttontext, other conditions] to [spoiler text] mapping. So that's what I didn't find.


I think a better solution would be to look for the (1) on the button and if it finds the adventure cost, it would assign the spoilers for the adventuring options. Then it assigns the balancing spoilers for remaining options.


Depends if you are counting the buttons or checking the source code. The source code includes a form for each button, of the form choiceformX, where X is the button number, 1-6. It also has a input type of name option and value 1-6. When the first two buttons are not shown, the remaining ones are still called 3-6 in the code.