Feature Limited duration banisher tracking


I've found the garden banishing tracker in the Gallery pretty useful. Could we get similar ones for limited duration banishers? AFAIK this includes:

cocktail napkin, vs clingy pirates (20 turns)
Give Your Opponent the Stinkeye (10 turns)
Creepy Grin (10* turns)
divine champagne popper (5 turns)
crystal skull and Harold's Bell (20 turns, though I'm not sure whether this includes the turn that they're used, since they're a non-free runaway)


Active member
crystal skull and Harold's Bell (20 turns, though I'm not sure whether this includes the turn that they're used, since they're a non-free runaway)

I definitely remember this being the case with Harold's Bell, you get 19 turns after using it.


Staff member
How would these be useful? In general, when you adventure in a zone, you're there until you achieve some goal, usually getting an item to drop or seeing a monster or a noncombat, and knowing that the banisher has run out is irrelevant. In the gallery, the goal is usually to reach the next level, but you want to stay there after you reach the next level if the garden is banished.


You have a point for the 20-turn banishers, but I tend to use free runaways more aggressively when I'm inside a small banish window.


Active member
How would these be useful? In general, when you adventure in a zone, you're there until you achieve some goal, usually getting an item to drop or seeing a monster or a noncombat, and knowing that the banisher has run out is irrelevant. In the gallery, the goal is usually to reach the next level, but you want to stay there after you reach the next level if the garden is banished.
It's pretty niche, but I wanted it this weekend when I was farming monster Manuel stuff. There were two monsters I didn't need and I could banish either of them when the counter ran out, except I lost count. I don't think that justifies any coding effort, but I was surprised there was no counter for it.


Active member
It would be nice if KoLmafia updated the "Location Details" of an area with the correct encounter chance percentages if you banished a particular monster. It might do that already, I haven't tried it.


It would be nice if KoLmafia updated the "Location Details" of an area with the correct encounter chance percentages if you banished a particular monster. It might do that already, I haven't tried it.

I suspect it doesn't. I seem to recall that accurately correcting them requires adding queue effects, which whilst it'd be handy, would require a lot of tracking to be added.