Bug - Fixed The Future Quest - Completed without my consent


So, in trying to fill out my Monster Manuel, I've been going through stuff, and noticed one thing that seems like an actual bug:

I know the Cyborg Policeman only shows up for a specific period in Seaside Megalopolis, between getting a Multipass and completing the quest to get a Secret from the Future. Knowing this, I set the choice adventure to get the Supreme Being Glossary to get Moxie substats instead. The first time I ran into the "451 Degrees! Burning Down the House!" noncombat, I was still manually adventuring, and chose the Moxie substats choice. After that, I wound up autoadventuring, and was stumped when I got a "Click here to continue in the relay browser." message; Mafia was at "The Elements of Surprise . . ." and asking for input. I looked back through my log, and the first time Mafia hit "451 degrees" while autoadventuring, it picked up the Supreme Being Glossary.

Is Mafia trying to complete the quest internally or something? If so, that's fine, I'll just take another approach to this on another ascension, but if it's not supposed to be doing that, could someone either explain why or try to fix this?


There was a typo in ChoiceManager.java: "None Shall Pass" (choice adventure 365) was also associated to the choiceAdventure364 setting (choice adventure 364 is 451 Degrees!).

My guess is that you set "Seaside Megalopolis 11" to "Moxie", which set choiceAdventure364 to 1. But "Seaside Megalopolis 12" was set to "multi-pass", which reset choiceAdventure364 to 2.
