Search results

  1. ziz

    Bug Can't stop gash-jumping in preAscensionScript from JS (JS abort() and ASH abort() behave differently)

    I ran into an issue where I expected my JS preAscensionScript script to stop my jumping into the gash, because I called abort(), but it did not, in fact, prevent the gash-jumping. (Using KoLmafia r27844 // Build main-3261eb6 17.0.10 (Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.10+7) Linux amd64 6.5.0-1015-azure)...
  2. ziz

    Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

    Broad issue: The maximizer didn't equip a weapon on the first turn of a new ascension for me (a low-to-mid-shiny account as a DB in softcore standard using autoscend). Run on: KoLmafia r27817 Build main-3be85c4 17.0.9 (Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.9+9) Linux amd64 6.2.0-1018-azure The specific...
  3. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Crimbo 2023 coinmasters don't realize the zones aren't always available

    Using KoLmafia r27775 (Build main-425b19c). The coinmaster handling of the Crimbo 2023 shops (at least the Crimbuccaneer Bar and the Grub Hall) doesn't seem to recognize that they're not always available, causing the coinmaster menu to erroneously not error on purchases, and things like...
  4. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Mafia tries to equip multiple halos at once

    Using KoLmafia v14.7 r9799, Windows 7, Java 1.6.0_26 I am in fist-core, have a furry halo and a time halo, and halos appear to be limited to one (total) equipped. If I am wearing the time halo and attempt to equip an outfit which includes the furry halo, it fails with an error ("You can't...
  5. ziz

    Feature - Implemented Debug log should always include revision number (patch)

    Per Veracity's comment, it would be helpful if the debug log always included the Mafia revision number, even in 'released' mode. Attached is a patch against 9571 which implements this behavior while maintaining historical behavior other places getVersion is used, by introducing a new signature...
  6. ziz

    Bug - Not A Bug hermit() throws debug log, gcli 'hermit' simply hangs

    Debug log attached contains two (different) hermit-related problems (EDIT) in r9557: > ash hermit(3, $item[ten-leaf clover]); fails, and > hermit 3 clover simply hangs without doing anything, preventing other commands from working properly. (I imagine these are related to the uberrefactor...
  7. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Unexpected error (NPE) using Maximizer in beecore

    I'm in Bees Hate You, using Mafia 14.6 svn r9476. I've had this maximize command in my logoff script since the 13th, I always update Mafia to the latest SVN before I run it, and today is the first time I've seen this error. > maximize adv -tie -familiar Maximizing... Unexpected error, debug...
  8. ziz

    Bug Can't view all of wide output (such as modtrace) in GCLI tab

    Using mafia v14.6 r9401 (built from svn) on a mac. In the GCLI, when doing a modtrace command (such as 'modtrace exp'), the right-hand side of the table scrolls past the right side of the GCLI pane, and there is no horizontal scrollbar. I'm on a laptop, so I can't make the window any bigger...
  9. ziz

    Bug - Fixed "8 any paper strip" goal works but produces unknown item messages

    SVN 8336, OS X. When adventuring in the Nemesis Cave for the paper strips, the default condition is "8 any paper strip", which causes the following message to be displayed on the CLI: Validating adventure sequence... Unknown item found: any paper strip Unknown item found: any paper strip...
  10. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Item manager doesn't show hagnk'd food/booze at first in aftercore

    SVN 8336, OS X. When I am in aftercore, looking in the item manager for something to eat or drink, Mafia seems to only display those things which are directly in or creatable from my inventory (as in hc/ronin mode) until I have enqueued an item without filtering the list first. At that point...
  11. ziz

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Losing track of spices

    SVN r8320, OS X I have Funkslinging and started this process with 3 spices and 4 anti-anti-antidotes in my inventory. I did "make 3 spooky lo mein", which logged as follows (I don't have the gcli output, just the session log): outfit Filthy Hippy Disguise buy 2 herbs at market price from...
  12. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Please, Hammer overexuberant

    SVN revision 8278, OS X. Whilst doing the hobo gristle bounty in aftercore, the Harold's hammer automatic creation seems to fire a bit early: [3467] Sleazy Back Alley Encounter: Please, Hammer Verifying ingredients for Harold's hammer (1)... You need 1 more Harold's hammer head to continue...
  13. ziz

    Mall limit highlighting

    It's a thing I wanted, so I made a tiny modification to the source. "limit 1" things show up in red, "limit (anything other than 1)" things show up in blue, they're still gray if you can't buy them, and no other mall display is changed. Index...