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  1. ziz

    New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

    I can confirm from my experience that level determines food and booze usability, as expected. (RIP my turngen on day 1, accidentally making a bunch of drinks I couldn't actually drink because Mafia was extra confused about my level.) I did not test or specifically notice equipment availability.
  2. ziz

    New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

    Thank you, that makes it stable and much more usable! but Mafia is still seeing a different idea of my level compared to KoL. This path uses "how many familiars have you grafted" rather than whether your mainstat is at a certain point to determine what your level is. My current stats are...
  3. ziz

    Bug Can't stop gash-jumping in preAscensionScript from JS (JS abort() and ASH abort() behave differently)

    I ran into an issue where I expected my JS preAscensionScript script to stop my jumping into the gash, because I called abort(), but it did not, in fact, prevent the gash-jumping. (Using KoLmafia r27844 // Build main-3261eb6 17.0.10 (Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.10+7) Linux amd64 6.5.0-1015-azure)...
  4. ziz

    Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

    Someone mentioned recently that this was long-ago decided for early-Mafia memory-efficiency reasons. Is that still a relevant concern now, fifteen years on? (ref: the commit that says it introduced Modifier Maximizer was made on Jul 13, 2009) That is, obviously memory efficiency is always a...
  5. ziz

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Getting a stack trace for this error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.AscensionClass.isStandard()" because "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLCharacter.ascensionClass" is null (debug log attached, for hopeful convenience)
  6. ziz

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Campground doesn't exist and does a redirect: Retrieving campground data... Unhandled redirect to place.php?whichplace=wereprof_cottage (debug log attached)
  7. ziz

    Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

    Side note: I very much appreciate the time and consideration going into this! (And also I'm always interested in minuscule steps in progress - a bug-hunting narrative, especially one I'm invested in, is a can of Pringles to my brain - but I appreciate that they take time and energy to write and...
  8. ziz

    Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

    My current ascension has a case where the effective keyword is not used, and nothing is equipped to weapon or off-hand, and also has different behavior (resetting on mafia restart) after a weapon is manually equipped. Session log attached. (Full skill list is in the session log.) Mafia version...
  9. ziz

    Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

    Broad issue: The maximizer didn't equip a weapon on the first turn of a new ascension for me (a low-to-mid-shiny account as a DB in softcore standard using autoscend). Run on: KoLmafia r27817 Build main-3be85c4 17.0.9 (Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.9+9) Linux amd64 6.2.0-1018-azure The specific...
  10. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Crimbo 2023 coinmasters don't realize the zones aren't always available

    Looks like Chris's code sets prefs for crimbo23[Location]AtWar but does not specify pirate/elf control if it is at peace.
  11. ziz

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Daily Build site comes up with "Bad Message 431" & unable to download latest build.

    You can, fyi, also attempt to download builds from ( is working fine for me at the moment.)
  12. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Crimbo 2023 coinmasters don't realize the zones aren't always available

    Using KoLmafia r27775 (Build main-425b19c). The coinmaster handling of the Crimbo 2023 shops (at least the Crimbuccaneer Bar and the Grub Hall) doesn't seem to recognize that they're not always available, causing the coinmaster menu to erroneously not error on purchases, and things like...
  13. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Mafia tries to equip multiple halos at once

    As a supplemental note, 9800 fixes mafia's use of halos (for e.g. the modifier maximizer), but custom outfits containing halos looks to be a bug in KoL; I've reported it there. Thanks again.
  14. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Mafia tries to equip multiple halos at once

    Hurrah! Thank you.
  15. ziz

    Bug - Fixed Mafia tries to equip multiple halos at once

    Using KoLmafia v14.7 r9799, Windows 7, Java 1.6.0_26 I am in fist-core, have a furry halo and a time halo, and halos appear to be limited to one (total) equipped. If I am wearing the time halo and attempt to equip an outfit which includes the furry halo, it fails with an error ("You can't...
  16. ziz

    Feature - Implemented Debug log should always include revision number (patch)

    Per Veracity's comment, it would be helpful if the debug log always included the Mafia revision number, even in 'released' mode. Attached is a patch against 9571 which implements this behavior while maintaining historical behavior other places getVersion is used, by introducing a new signature...
  17. ziz

    Bug - Not A Bug hermit() throws debug log, gcli 'hermit' simply hangs

    Aha, thank you. Just "ant" in fact produces the expected revision number in debug logs; I'll go with that from now on.
  18. ziz

    Bug - Not A Bug hermit() throws debug log, gcli 'hermit' simply hangs

    I apologize, I didn't mean that to come across in a negative way. You're right; I don't understand what the hell it's doing, and I also apologize for coming across like I thought I did. I appreciate Mafia and doubly so the time you folks all put into maintaining it. I hope to help with that a...
  19. ziz

    Bug - Not A Bug hermit() throws debug log, gcli 'hermit' simply hangs

    For what it's worth, there does appear to be a change that touches something related to coinmasters in 9558 (possibly not intended to have been shipped with this revision?) although I have no idea if it would affect the issue I was seeing (EDIT: doesn't look like it; 9557 isn't hanging for me...
  20. ziz

    Bug - Not A Bug hermit() throws debug log, gcli 'hermit' simply hangs

    Here's what I do. (If I'm doing something horribly silly, I will gladly change my habits.) Compilation: $ svn up At revision 9558. $ ant clean; ant jar Buildfile: /Users/ziz/Source/kol/src/kolmafia/build.xml clean: [symlink] Removing symlink: dist/KoLmafia-14.6/Applications BUILD...