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  1. D


    CSA something? i used clan ballpit instead. For what its worth it did go fairly smoothly, its just it wasted 52k worth of adventures doing something i had no indication it would do, and then aborted instead of looking for other options. My real complaint is lack of transparency costing...
  2. D


    so i ran ogre, which is supposed to "Fight Ogre Chieftain for belt of Ogrekind." The script ran me through bandit crossroad, village, and crypt for some reason, then aborted because i didnt have a specific potion it wanted that i've never heard of. Wasted a ton of adventures i wanted to use with...
  3. D


    Is there an easy to read list of what actions the script takes (ie skills and items used, bought etc)? i want to use this but am skittish when its so opaque...