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  1. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Scripts fail to cast skills granted by equipment after r28434

    Looks like it failed for me the second time my script tried to use Fiesta Exit. First time it worked without issue equip acc2 Cincho de Mayo cast 1 Cincho: Fiesta Exit Preference noncombatForcerActive changed from false to true Preference _cinchUsed changed from 0 to 60 Preference...
  2. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Scripts fail to cast skills granted by equipment after r28434

    use_skill(1, $skill[Cincho: Fiesta Exit]); fails with Could not find a known, usable skill of yours uniquely matching "1 Cincho: Fiesta Exit" Skills from the designer sweatpants are also failing similarly according to other users running autoscend (I haven't hit that myself as I haven't run...
  3. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Carnivorous Potted Plant kills not being recognized?

    Looks like it's fixed in KoL today
  4. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Carnivorous Potted Plant kills not being recognized?

    Took a while but I got one. See attached. Comparing it with kolmafia\test\root\request\test_fight_potted_plant.html it looks like the <p> has been lost.
  5. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Carnivorous Potted Plant kills not being recognized?

    Apologies I didn't look before I posted. My accounts are done for the day but I will grab the HTML after rollover (assuming my browser lets me, clicking view frame source resubmits fight.php so I have to use inspect to see the current page).
  6. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Carnivorous Potted Plant kills not being recognized?

    I noticed _carnivorousPottedPlantWins never incrementing despite having it equipped for 800+ turns. Checking the session log, it's just not being tracked when it activates. I suspect the issue is the activation text isn't enclosed in a tag the text hasn't changed but maybe a KoL change has...
  7. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed is_coinmaster_item no longer returning true for Wrecked Generator

    Seems like an issue introduced with r28334. Works fine in r28333.
  8. Malibu Stacey

    Bug McHugeLarge Avalanche skill available when it shouldn't be.

    You're on your own, partner. (Too many, or zero, matches for skill, "McHugeLarge Avalanche", macro aborted.) Click here to continue in the relay browser. > ash have_skill($skill[McHugeLarge Avalanche]) Returned: true > ash get_property("_mcHugeLargeAvalancheUses") Returned: 3 Have the...
  9. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Multibuying from the purchases tab only buys one of the requested item.

    I suspect this is related to the recent changes to handling of shops/coinmasters. Searching for "karma shawarma"... Search complete. Purchasing karma shawarma (37 @ 7 Coins-spiracy)... Visiting the The SHAWARMA Initiative... You acquire an item: karma shawarma The SHAWARMA Initiative...
  10. Malibu Stacey

    Bug December 2024 changes in KoL break lots of stuff

    Spoke too soon. Furniture (stuff inside your housing that shows when you click the magnifying glass) isn't being recognised. > ash get_campground() Returned: aggregate int [item] meat golem => 1 Dramatic™ range => 1 Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit => 1 chef-in-the-box => 1...
  11. Malibu Stacey

    Bug December 2024 changes in KoL break lots of stuff

    Fixed in r28159. Thanks @Ryo_Sangnoir !
  12. Malibu Stacey

    Bug December 2024 changes in KoL break lots of stuff

    Looking at the VIP room HTML <center><table width=95% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="background-color: blue" align=center ><b style="color: white">Clan VIP Lounge (Ground Floor)</b></td></tr> It looks like the addition of style="color: white" to the bold tag is causing the issue...
  13. Malibu Stacey

    Bug December 2024 changes in KoL break lots of stuff

    There have been changes to the HTML KoL returns which are causing lots of things to not parse correctly e.g. Choice adventures have blank Encounter titles. [1467930] An Overgrown Shrine (Northeast) Preference lastEncounter changed from Kingdom-Wide Ballot to Encounter: Submitting option 4 for...
  14. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Autoequipping restricted familiar equipment on familiar switch causes aborts

    Running Normal Avant Guard, this happened [414] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform) Preference lastEncounter changed from War Hippy Naturopathic Homeopath to horrible tourist family acting as the bodyguard to a War Hippy Homeopath Encounter: horrible tourist family acting as the bodyguard to a War...
  15. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Bat Wings, back item.

    Could not find a known, usable skill of yours uniquely matching "1 Rest upside down" > version KoLmafia r28080 Steps to reproduce: run the following: while (get_property("_batWingsRestUsed").to_int() < 11) { use_skill(1, $skill[rest upside down]); } @gausie
  16. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Mafia Thinks Tom Drum fight takes place in shadow rifts.. if you were adventuring in shadow rifts

    I had to put a visit_url("main.php"); in between the cli_execute() and run_combat() calls to get it to work. cli_execute("aprilband play quad tom"); visit_url("main.php"); run_combat();
  17. Malibu Stacey

    Bug combat_queue isn't reset on ascension

    Another user ran into this today with the queue showing Witchess Knights but only Witchess Bishops being in the Time-Spinner list. I looked at the code for AdventureQueueDatabase.resetQueue() and it looks perfectly fine. I'll try modifying the garbo code so it outputs the queue when fighting...
  18. Malibu Stacey

    Bug combat_queue isn't reset on ascension

    Found by a well known farming script. Before ascending, garbo was fighting Witchess Knights in the Dire Warren. I ascended into Avant Guard, had autoscend run a 2 day Normal. Out of run I ran garbo. It is trying to use the Time-Spinner to fight a Witchess Knight because it has looked at the...
  19. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed mimic egg item isn't removed from inventory count when you fight the last monster in it

    Steps to reproduce: Get a mimic egg which contains one or more monsters. ash item_amount($item[mimic egg]) will return 1 as expected. Fight all the monsters contained in your mimic egg. ash item_amount($item[mimic egg]) will still return 1 but it doesn't exist any more in your inventory.
  20. Malibu Stacey

    Bug maximizer doesn't take $familiar.soup_weight into account when maximizing familiar weight

    If I equipped the 3 things it's suggesting in the maximizer after that second call, it would be at 325 weight. 325 - 111 = 214 so I guess it's also not taking base weight into account either since it thinks it can only hit 194.